Смотреть что такое "lace-pillow" в других словарях:
Lace pillow — Pillow Pil low, n. [OE. pilwe, AS. pyle, fr. L. pilvinus.] 1. Anything used to support the head of a person when reposing; especially, a sack or case filled with feathers, down, hair, or other soft material. [1913 Webster] [Resty sloth] finds the … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Lace pillow — Lace Lace (l[=a]s), n. [OE. las, OF. laz, F. lacs, dim. lacet, fr. L. laqueus noose, snare; prob. akin to lacere to entice. Cf. {Delight}, {Elicit}, {Lasso}, {Latchet}.] 1. That which binds or holds, especially by being interwoven; a string, cord … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
lace-pillow — laceˈ pillˈow noun A cushion held on the knees by lacemakers, on which the lace is worked • • • Main Entry: ↑lace … Useful english dictionary
lace pillow — pillow (def. 3). [1785 95] * * * … Universalium
lace pillow — noun : pillow 3 … Useful english dictionary
lace pillow — noun a cushion placed on the lap to provide support in lacemaking … English new terms dictionary
Pillow lace — Pillow Pil low, n. [OE. pilwe, AS. pyle, fr. L. pilvinus.] 1. Anything used to support the head of a person when reposing; especially, a sack or case filled with feathers, down, hair, or other soft material. [1913 Webster] [Resty sloth] finds the … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Pillow — Pil low, n. [OE. pilwe, AS. pyle, fr. L. pilvinus.] 1. Anything used to support the head of a person when reposing; especially, a sack or case filled with feathers, down, hair, or other soft material. [1913 Webster] [Resty sloth] finds the down… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Pillow bier — Pillow Pil low, n. [OE. pilwe, AS. pyle, fr. L. pilvinus.] 1. Anything used to support the head of a person when reposing; especially, a sack or case filled with feathers, down, hair, or other soft material. [1913 Webster] [Resty sloth] finds the … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Pillow block — Pillow Pil low, n. [OE. pilwe, AS. pyle, fr. L. pilvinus.] 1. Anything used to support the head of a person when reposing; especially, a sack or case filled with feathers, down, hair, or other soft material. [1913 Webster] [Resty sloth] finds the … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Pillow of a plow — Pillow Pil low, n. [OE. pilwe, AS. pyle, fr. L. pilvinus.] 1. Anything used to support the head of a person when reposing; especially, a sack or case filled with feathers, down, hair, or other soft material. [1913 Webster] [Resty sloth] finds the … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English