
ˌlæbəˈrɪnθaɪn прил.
1) подобный лабиринту, имеющий форму лабиринта, состоящий из множества поворотов The streets of the Old City are narrow and labyrinthine. ≈ Улицы в старом городе узкие, это самый настоящий лабиринт.
2) запутанный, сложный/трудный для понимания Syn : intricate, tangled, complicated, involved, inextricable (книжное) подобный лабиринту (книжное) запутанный labyrinthine запутанный ~ подобный лабиринту

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "labyrinthine" в других словарях:

  • Labyrinthine — Lab y*rin thine, a. Pertaining to, or like, a labyrinth; labyrinthal; labyrinthian. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • labyrinthine — I adjective ambagious, ambagitory, baffling, bewildering, chaotic, circuitous, complex, complicated, confounding, confusing, crooked, deviating, difficult, digressive, entangled, excursive, flexuous, full of curves, full of turns, impeditus,… …   Law dictionary

  • labyrinthine — 1630s; see LABYRINTH (Cf. labyrinth) + INE (Cf. ine) (1). Earlier adjective forms were labyrinthian (1580s); labyrinthial (1540s) …   Etymology dictionary

  • labyrinthine — [adj] mazelike complex, convoluted, elaborate, intricate, mazy, meandering, serpentine, sinuous, tangled, tortuous, twisting, wandering, winding, zigzag; concept 436 Ant. simple, straight, straightforward …   New thesaurus

  • labyrinthine — [lab΄ə rin′thin, lab΄ə rin′thēn΄, lab΄ə rin′thīn΄] adj. 1. of or constituting a labyrinth 2. like a labyrinth; intricate; complicated; puzzling: also labyrinthian [lab΄ə rin′thē ən] or labyrinthic …   English World dictionary

  • labyrinthine — [[t]læ̱bɪrɪ̱nθaɪn[/t]] 1) ADJ GRADED: usu ADJ n If you describe a place as labyrinthine, you mean that it is like a labyrinth. [FORMAL] The streets of the Old City are narrow and labyrinthine. 2) ADJ GRADED: usu ADJ n If you describe a situation …   English dictionary

  • labyrinthine — adjective 1) labyrinthine corridors Syn: mazelike, winding, twisting, serpentine, meandering, wandering, rambling 2) a labyrinthine system Syn: complicated, intricate, complex, involved …   Thesaurus of popular words

  • labyrinthine — adjective 1. relating to or affecting or originating in the inner ear labyrinthine deafness • Pertains to noun: ↑labyrinth 2. resembling a labyrinth in form or complexity a labyrinthine network of tortuous footpaths • Syn: ↑labyrinthian, ↑ma …   Useful english dictionary

  • labyrinthine — adjective Date: 1632 1. of, relating to, or resembling a labyrinth ; intricate, involved 2. of, relating to, affecting, or originating in the internal ear < labyrinthine lesions > …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • labyrinthine — labyrinthically, adv. /lab euh rin thin, theen/, adj. 1. of, pertaining to, or resembling a labyrinth. 2. complicated; tortuous: the labyrinthine byways of modern literature. Also, labyrinthian /lab euh rin thee euhn/, labyrinthic. [1740 50;… …   Universalium

  • labyrinthine — Relating to any labyrinth. * * * lab·y·rin·thine rin(t) thən; rin .thīn, .thēn adj of, relating to, affecting, or originating in the inner ear <human labyrinthine lesions> * * * lab·y·rin·thine (lab″ə rinґthēn) pertaining to …   Medical dictionary

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