Смотреть что такое "labourist" в других словарях:
labourist — (Brit.) n. person who supports the rights of workers (also laborist) … English contemporary dictionary
labourist — la·bour·ist … English syllables
labourist — ˈlābərə̇st noun ( s) Usage: usually capitalized : laborite 2 … Useful english dictionary
labourists — labourist (Brit.) n. person who supports the rights of workers (also laborist) … English contemporary dictionary
laburist — LABURÍST, Ă, laburişti, ste, adj., s.m. şi f. 1. adj. (În sintagma) Partid laburist = denumire a unor partide politice de orientare social democrată din unele ţări (ex. Marea Britanie, Australia). ♦ Care aparţine acestui partid, privitor la acest … Dicționar Român
Democratic Labour Party of Lithuania — Lithuania This article is part of the series: Politics and government of Lithuania … Wikipedia
Arthur Puttee — Arthur W. Puttee (August 25 1868 ndash; October 21 1957) was the first Labour Member of Parliament (MP) in the Canadian House of Commons.Puttee was a printer by training. Born in England, he immigrated to North America in 1888. He settled in… … Wikipedia
Lewis St. George Stubbs — (June 14, 1878 May 12, 1958) was a prominent judge and politician in Manitoba, Canada. He served in the Legislative Assembly of Manitoba from 1936 to 1949 as an Independent, and was known for promoting left wing and socially progressive… … Wikipedia
Ágnes Heller — (born 12 May 1929, Budapest, Hungary) was one of the world’s foremost Marxist philosophers, before moving to a liberal, social democratic position later in her career. In addition to political and social thought, she also concentrates on Hegelian … Wikipedia
Tony Colman — Persons named Tony Colman: * Tony Colman (musician), a drum and bass producer, co founder of London Elektricity and Hospital Records * Tony Colman (politician), a labourist politician, a member of British Parliament … Wikipedia
лейбори́ст — а, м. Член рабочей партии (в Великобритании, Австралии, Новой Зеландии и некоторых других странах). [англ. labourist] … Малый академический словарь