labour law

labour law
закон о труде, законы Тафта-Хартли в отдельных штатах

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "labour law" в других словарях:

  • Labour law — concerns the inequality of bargaining power between employers and workers. Labour law (also called labor law or employment law) is the body of laws, administrative rulings, and precedents which address the legal rights of, and restrictions on,… …   Wikipedia

  • labour law —    Labour law was consolidated as a legal system in Spain during the period of Primo de Rivera s Dictatorship (1923–9) and the Second Republic (1931–6). The constitution of the Second Republic (1931) provided the foundation for a systematic… …   Encyclopedia of contemporary Spanish culture

  • labour law — ➔ law * * * labour law UK US UK (US labor law) noun [U] LAW, HR ► laws that deal with the legal rights of working people and the organizations they work for → Compare EMPLOYMENT LAW(Cf. ↑ …   Financial and business terms

  • labour law — Body of law that applies to matters such as employment, wages, conditions of work, labour unions, and labour management relations. Laws intended to protect workers, including children, from abusive employment practices were not enacted in… …   Universalium

  • British labour law — is that body of law which regulates the rights, restrictions obligations of trade unions, workers and employers in Great Britain. During much of the nineteenth century the employment contract was based on the Master and Servant Act of 1823,… …   Wikipedia

  • Croatian labour law referendum, 2010 — Croatia This article is part of the series: Politics and government of Croatia …   Wikipedia

  • Australian labour law — has had a unique development that distinguishes it from other English speaking jurisdictions.In 1904 the Conciliation and Arbitration Act was passed mandating Conciliation and Arbitration for the Prevention and Settlement of Industrial Disputes… …   Wikipedia

  • Labour and tax laws in Iran — govern the employment and fiscal contributions of people working and living in Iran. Roughly one fourth of Iran s labour forc is engaged in manufacturing and construction. Another one fifth is engaged in agriculture, and the remainder are divided …   Wikipedia

  • law — [lɔː ǁ lɒː] noun 1. [singular, uncountable] LAW the whole system of rules that citizens of a country must obey: • It is against the law (= illegal ) for children to work before they are fifteen. • There were easy profits for businessmen who were… …   Financial and business terms

  • Labour market flexibility — refers to the speed with which labour markets adapt to fluctuations and changes in society, the economy or production.DefinitionIn the past, the most common definition of labour market flexibility was the neo liberal definition. This entailed the …   Wikipedia

  • Law — /law/, n. 1. Andrew Bonar /bon euhr/, 1858 1923, English statesman, born in Canada: prime minister 1922 23. 2. John, 1671 1729, Scottish financier. 3. William, 1686 1761, English clergyman and devotional writer. * * * I Discipline and profession… …   Universalium

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