Смотреть что такое "gestate" в других словарях:
gestate — (v.) 1866, back formation from GESTATION (Cf. gestation). Related: Gestated; gestating … Etymology dictionary
gestate — [jes′tāt΄] vt. gestated, gestating [back form. < GESTATION] to carry in the uterus during pregnancy … English World dictionary
gestate — gestation ► NOUN 1) the process of carrying or the state of being carried in the womb between conception and birth. 2) the development of a plan or idea over a period of time. DERIVATIVES gestate verb. ORIGIN Latin, from gestare carry, carry in… … English terms dictionary
gestate — verb (gestated; gestating) Etymology: back formation from gestation Date: 1858 transitive verb 1. to carry in the uterus during pregnancy 2. to conceive and gradually develop in the mind intransitive verb to be in the process of gestation … New Collegiate Dictionary
gestate — /jes tayt/, v., gestated, gestating. v.t. 1. to carry in the womb during the period from conception to delivery. 2. to think of and develop (an idea, opinion, plan, etc.) slowly in the mind. v.i. 3. to experience the process of gestating… … Universalium
gestate — verb a) To carry offspring in the uterus from conception to delivery. b) To develop an idea. See Also: gestation … Wiktionary
gestate — ges·tate jes .tāt vb, ges·tat·ed; ges·tat·ing vt to carry in the uterus during pregnancy vi to be in the process of gestation … Medical dictionary
gestate — Synonyms and related words: author, be gravid, be knocked up, be pregnant, be with child, bear, beget, breed, bring about, bring forth, bring to effect, bring to pass, brood, carry, carry young, cause, conceive, cover, create, do, effect,… … Moby Thesaurus
gestate — v. be pregnant, carry in the womb; conceive of and develop in the mind (i.e. a thought, idea, etc.) … English contemporary dictionary
gestate — ges·tate … English syllables
gestate — See: gestation … English dictionary