- germinator
1) проращиватель
2) герминатор
3) растильня термостат, аппарат для проращивания семян
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
germinator — GERMINATÓR, OÁRE, germinatori, oare, adj., s.n. 1. adj. Care poate germina sau care poate face să germineze. 2. s.n. Aparat, instalaţie etc. care determină procentul de germinaţie al diferitelor seminţe; aparat, instalaţie etc. cu care se obţine… … Dicționar Român
germinator — See germination. * * * … Universalium
germinatór — I. adj. m., pl. germinatóri; f. sg. şi pl. germinatoáre II. s. n., pl. germinatoáre … Romanian orthography
germinator — ger·mi·na·tor … English syllables
germinator — ˌnād.ə(r), ātə noun ( s) 1. : one that germinates seeds 2. : a cabinet or other container in which moistened seeds are tested for their ability to germinate … Useful english dictionary
Seed germinator — Gilbert White used hot beds warmed by manure to germinate melon seeds in England.[1] A seed germinator is a device for germinating seeds. Typically, these create an environment in which light, humidity and temperature are controlled to provide … Wikipedia
Mantled Howler — Taxobox name = Mantled HowlerMSW3 Groves|pages=149|id=12100385] status = LC status system = iucn3.1 status ref = IUCN2008|assessors=Cuarón, A.D., Shedden, A., Rodríguez Luna, E., de Grammont, P.C., Link, A., Palacions, E. Morales, A.|year=2008|id … Wikipedia
Mantled howler — Mantled howler[1] Mantled howler Conservation status … Wikipedia
germinativ — GERMINATÍV, Ă, germinativi, e, adj. Care aparţine germinaţiei, privitor la germinaţie; care poate să germineze sau să facă să germineze. – Din fr. germinatif. Trimis de gall, 13.09.2007. Sursa: DEX 98 GERMINATÍV adj. (biol.) germinator.… … Dicționar Român
Jovinian — Jovinian, or Jovinianus, (died c.405) was an opponent of Christian asceticism in the 4th century and was condemned as a heretic at synods convened in Rome under Pope Siricius and in Milan by St Ambrose in 393. [ The Oxford Dictionary of the… … Wikipedia
Trophoblast — Blastocyst with an inner cell mass and trophoblast … Wikipedia