
спец. геостационарный (специальное) геостационарный - * orbit геостационарная орбита - * satellite геостационарный спутник;
спутник на геостационарной орбите

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "geostationary" в других словарях:

  • geostationary — ☆ geostationary [jē΄ōsiŋ′krə nəsjē΄ō stā′shə ner΄ē ] adj. designating or of a satellite or spacecraft in an orbit above the equator, revolving at a rate of speed synchronous with that of the earth s rotation so that it always stays above the same …   English World dictionary

  • geostationary — /jee oh stay sheuh ner ee/, adj. of or pertaining to a satellite traveling in an orbit 22,300 miles (35,900 km) above the earth s equator: at this altitude, the satellite s period of rotation, 24 hours, matches the earth s and the satellite… …   Universalium

  • geostationary — adjective At a fixed distance in three dimensions relative to a particular point on the Earths surface; generally only possible with orbital satellites. The measurement is accomplished by observing the Faraday rotation angle of signals from… …   Wiktionary

  • geostationary — adj. Geostationary is used with these nouns: ↑satellite …   Collocations dictionary

  • geostationary — ge|o|sta|tion|ar|y [ ,dʒiou steıʃn,eri ] adjective a geostationary SATELLITE appears to remain in the same place, because it travels at the same speed as the Earth …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • geostationary — also geosynchronous adjective a geostationary spacecraft or satellite (1) goes around the Earth at the same speed as the Earth moves, so that it is always above the same place on the Earth …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • geostationary — UK [ˌdʒiːəʊˈsteɪʃ(ə)n(ə)rɪ] / US [ˌdʒɪoʊˈsteɪʃ(ə)nˌerɪ] adjective a geostationary satellite appears to remain in the same place, because it travels at the same speed as the Earth …   English dictionary

  • geostationary —    Also known as geosynchronous. The type of orbit required to keep a communications satellite in a fixed position relative to the earth.    The satellite s angular rate and direction of rotation are matched to those of the earth, and the… …   Dictionary of networking

  • Geostationary orbit — Geostationary orbit.To an observer on the rotating Earth (fixed point on the Earth), the satellite appears stationary in the sky. A red satellite is also geostationary above its own point on Earth. Top Down View …   Wikipedia

  • Geostationary transfer orbit — A Geosynchronous Transfer Orbit or Geostationary Transfer Orbit (GTO) is a Hohmann transfer orbit around the Earth between a low Earth orbit (LEO) and a geosynchronous orbit (GEO). It is an ellipse where the perigee is a point on a LEO and the… …   Wikipedia

  • Geostationary ring — The geostationary ring is a volume segment around the geostationary orbit defined by variations in altitude and declination that can occur for uncontrolled objects left in the geostationary orbit.The geostationary orbit is subject to orbit… …   Wikipedia

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