geometric middling

geometric middling
мат. среднее геометрическое (значение) ;
средняя геометрическая величина

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "geometric middling" в других словарях:

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  • Bartolomeo Ghetti — Bartolomeo (or Baccio) di Zanobi Ghetti (died 1536) was a Florentine Renaissance painter who has only recently emerged from obscurity as a result of recent research.Our knowledge of Ghetti’s career thus far rests chiefly on a brief notice in… …   Wikipedia

  • mean — mean1 [mēn] vt. meant [ment] meaning [ME menen < OE mænan, to mean, tell, complain, akin to Ger meinen, to have in mind, have as opinion < IE base * meino , opinion, intent > OIr mian, wish, desire] 1. to have in mind; intend; purpose… …   English World dictionary

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