geometric homotopy

geometric homotopy
мат. геометрическая гомотопия

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "geometric homotopy" в других словарях:

  • Homotopy groups of spheres — In the mathematical field of algebraic topology, the homotopy groups of spheres describe how spheres of various dimensions can wrap around each other. They are examples of topological invariants, which reflect, in algebraic terms, the structure… …   Wikipedia

  • Homotopy — This article is about topology. For chemistry, see Homotopic groups. The two dashed paths shown above are homotopic relative to their endpoints. The animation represents one possible homotopy. In topology, two continuous functions from one… …   Wikipedia

  • homotopy — /heuh mot euh pee, hoh /, n., pl. homotopies. Math. the relation that exists between two mappings in a topological space if one mapping can be deformed in a continuous way to make it coincide with the other. [1915 20; HOMO + topy ( < Gr tóp(os)… …   Universalium

  • A¹ homotopy theory — In algebraic geometry and algebraic topology, a branch of mathematics, A1 homotopy theory is a way to apply the techniques of algebraic topology, specifically homotopy, to algebraic varieties and, more generally, to schemes. The theory is due to… …   Wikipedia

  • Simplicial set — In mathematics, a simplicial set is a construction in categorical homotopy theory which is a purely algebraic model of the notion of a well behaved topological space. Historically, this model arose from earlier work in combinatorial topology and… …   Wikipedia

  • Ronald Brown (mathematician) — Ronald Brown, MA, D.Phil Oxon, FIMA, Emeritus Professor (born January 4, 1935) is an English mathematician. He is best known for his many, substantial contributions to Higher Dimensional Algebra and non Abelian Algebraic Topology, involving… …   Wikipedia

  • Surgery theory — In mathematics, specifically in geometric topology, surgery theory is a collection of techniques used to produce one manifold from another in a controlled way, introduced by Milnor (1961). Surgery refers to cutting out parts of the manifold… …   Wikipedia

  • Mapping class group — In mathematics, in the sub field of geometric topology, the mapping class group is an important algebraic invariant of a topological space. Briefly, the mapping class group is a discrete group of symmetries of the space. Contents 1 Motivation 2… …   Wikipedia

  • Topology — (Greek topos , place, and logos , study ) is the branch of mathematics that studies the properties of a space that are preserved under continuous deformations. Topology grew out of geometry, but unlike geometry, topology is not concerned with… …   Wikipedia

  • Orthogonal group — Group theory Group theory …   Wikipedia

  • Cobordism — A cobordism (W;M,N). In mathematics, cobordism is a fundamental equivalence relation on the class of compact manifolds of the same dimension, set up using the concept of the boundary of a manifold. Two manifolds are cobordant if their disjoint… …   Wikipedia

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