geologic stage
Смотреть что такое "geologic stage" в других словарях:
stage — [stāj] n. [ME < OFr estage < VL * staticum < L status, pp. of stare, to STAND] 1. a platform or dock 2. a scaffold for workmen 3. a level, floor, or story 4. a) a platform on which plays, speeches, etc. are presented … English World dictionary
Geologic time scale — This clock representation shows some of the major units of geological time and definitive events of Earth history. The Hadean eon represents the time before fossil record of life on Earth; its upper boundary is now regarded as 4.0 Ga.[1] Other… … Wikipedia
Geologic record — The layer cake like appearance of concordant strata laid down over hundreds of thousands of years … Wikipedia
Stage (stratigraphy) — In chronostratigraphy, a stage is a succession of rock strata laid down in an single age on the geologic timescale, which usually represents millions of years of deposition. A given stage of rock and the corresponding age of time will by… … Wikipedia
stage — stageable, adj. stageability, stageableness, n. stageably, adv. /stayj/, n., v., staged, staging. n. 1. a single step or degree in a process; a particular phase, period, position, etc., in a process, development, or series. 2. a raised platform… … Universalium
stage — [[t]steɪdʒ[/t]] n. v. staged, stag•ing 1) a phase, degree, or step in a process, development, or series 2) a raised platform or floor, as for speakers or performers 3) sbz a) the platform on which the actors perform in a theater b) this platform… … From formal English to slang
New Zealand geologic time scale — While also using the international Geologic time scale, many nations especially those with isolated and therefore non standard prehistories use their own system of dividing geologic time into epochs and faunal stages. In New Zealand, these epochs … Wikipedia
glacial stage — ▪ geologic time in geology, a cold episode during an ice age, or glacial period. An ice age (q.v.) is a portion of geologic time during which a much larger part of the Earth s surface was covered by glaciers than at present. The Pleistocene … Universalium
Oxfordian (stage) — System Series Stage Age (Ma) Cretaceous Lower Berriasian younger Jurassic Upper Tith … Wikipedia
Marine isotope stage — 5 million year history Sections … Wikipedia
Marine Isotopic Stage 11 — Interglacial periods that occurred during Pleistocene times have been recently put under investigation, in order to better understand our present and future climates. In fact, paleoclimatic interpretations often depends on observations drawn from … Wikipedia