Смотреть что такое "gentle-hearted" в других словарях:
Gentle-hearted — Gen tle heart ed, a. Having a kind or gentle disposition. Shak. {Gen tle heart ed*ness}, n. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
gentle-hearted — gentle heartˈed adjective Having a gentle or kind disposition • • • Main Entry: ↑gentle … Useful english dictionary
Gentle-heartedness — Gentle hearted Gen tle heart ed, a. Having a kind or gentle disposition. Shak. {Gen tle heart ed*ness}, n. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
gentle — a. 1. Mild, bland, moderate, kind, tender, compassionate, indulgent, meek, soft, humane, clement, lenient, merciful, of a sweet disposition, gentle hearted, tender hearted. 2. Tame, docile, peaceable, quiet, tractable, pacific, dove like. 3.… … New dictionary of synonyms
gentle — adj 1. kind, kindly, tender, gracious, considerate, thoughtful; indulgent, lenient, clement, humane, merciful, compassionate, tender hearted, gentlehearted, Fr. gentil; benign, amiable, affable, sweet tempered. 2. mild, moderate, soothing, easy,… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
big-hearted — ▶ adjective GENEROUS, magnanimous, munificent, open handed, bountiful, unstinting, unselfish, altruistic, charitable, philanthropic, benevolent; kind, kindly, kind hearted; poetic/literary bounteous. Opposites mean. * * * bigheartedly, adv … Useful english dictionary
good-hearted — adj kind, kindly, kind hearted, benign, benignant, good, warm hearted, big hearted, loving; considerate, thoughtful, well meaning, well intended; compassionate, understanding, sympathetic, soft hearted, tender hearted, tender, gentle; humane,… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
tender-hearted — adj soft hearted, responsive, sensitive, feeling, perceptive, understanding, thoughtful, considerate, outgoing; sympathetic, compassionate, pitying, ruthful, concerned, caring, solicitous, moved, touched; comforting, consoling, supportive;… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
tender-hearted — adj caring, gentle, kind, kind hearted, kindly, mild, warm, warm hearted, sympathetic, soft hearted, feeling, considerate, compassionate, benevolent, loving, fond, affectionate, responsive, sensitive, humane, merciful, pitying, sentimental,… … Useful english dictionary
large-hearted — adj 1. generous, kindhearted, charitable, bountiful, bounteous, giving, liberal; big hearted, humanitarian, philanthropic, munificent; benevolent, benificent, benign, benignant, magnanimous, open handed; altruistic, public spirited, unselfish,… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
Soft-hearted — Soft heart ed, a. Having softness or tenderness of heart; susceptible of pity or other kindly affection; gentle; meek. {Soft heart ed*ness}, n. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English