- genetic
- dʒɪˈnetɪk прил. генетический Генетическое genetic генетический
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
genetic — genetic; het·ero·genetic; homo·genetic; ho·moio·genetic; hy·da·to·genetic; id·io·genetic; im·mu·no·genetic; ly·so·genetic; mero·genetic; meta·genetic; me·tal·lo·genetic; mono·genetic; non·genetic; oo·genetic; or·tho·genetic; par·the·no·genetic;… … English syllables
genetic — GENÉTIC, Ă, genetici, ce, s.f., adj. 1. s.f. Ramură a biologiei care studiază fenomenele şi legile eredităţii şi variabilităţii organismelor. 2. adj. Care aparţine geneticii (1) sau genezei, privitor la genetică sau la geneză. – Din fr. génétique … Dicționar Român
Genetic — may refer to: *Genetics, in biology, the science of genes, heredity, and the variation of organisms *Genetic (linguistics), in linguistics, a relationship between two languages with a common ancestor language *Genetic algorithm, in computer… … Wikipedia
Genetic — Ge*net ic (j[ e]*n[e^]t [i^]k), a. 1. Same as {Genetical}. [1913 Webster] 2. Of or pertaining to genes or genetics; as, the genetic code. [PJC] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
genetic — I adjective atavistic, congenital, hereditary, incarnate, ingrained, inherited, innate II index born (innate), hereditary, native (inborn) … Law dictionary
genetic — pertaining to origins, coined 1831 by Carlyle from Gk. genetikos genitive, from genesis origin (see GENUS (Cf. genus)). Biological sense first recorded in Darwin, 1859. Related: Genetically. Genetical is attested from 1650s … Etymology dictionary
genetic — [adj] coming from heredity abiogenetic, ancestral, digenetic, eugenic, genesiological, genital, hereditary, historical, matriclinous, patrimonial, phytogenetic, sporogenous, xenogenetic; concepts 314,549 Ant. acquired … New thesaurus
genetic — ► ADJECTIVE 1) relating to genes or heredity. 2) relating to genetics. 3) relating to origin, or arising from a common origin. DERIVATIVES genetical adjective genetically adverb. ORIGIN from GENESIS(Cf. ↑ … English terms dictionary
genetic — [jə net′ik] adj. [< GENESIS] 1. of the genesis, or origin, of something 2. of or having to do with genetics 3. GENIC: Also genetical genetically adv … English World dictionary
genetic — a. pertaining to origin, reproduction and heredity. ♦ genetic engineering, manipulation of genetic material by biochemical techniques. ♦ genetic ♦ fingerprint, unique pattern of genetic material specific to an individual. ♦ genetic… … Dictionary of difficult words
genetic — adj. 1 of genetics or genes; inherited. 2 of, in, or concerning origin; causal. Phrases and idioms: genetic code Biochem. the means by which genetic information is stored as sequences of nucleotide bases in the chromosomal DNA. genetic… … Useful english dictionary