Derivation of the Navier–Stokes equations — The intent of this article is to highlight the important points of the derivation of the Navier–Stokes equations as well as the application and formulation for different families of fluids. Contents 1 Basic assumptions 2 The material derivative 3 … Wikipedia
Derivation of self inductance — The mutual inductance by circuit i on circuit j is given by the double integral Neumann formula Contents 1 Derivation 2 Self inductance … Wikipedia
Inductance/derivation of self inductance — The mutual inductance by circuit i on circuit j is given by the double integral Neumann formula : M {ij} = frac{mu 0}{4pi} oint {C i}oint {C j} frac{mathbf{ds} icdotmathbf{ds} j} so that the mutual inductance is a purely geometrical quantity… … Wikipedia
Stamfort — Generic term for an English cloth or worsted yarn, or worsted woollen. The term s derivation is either from the cloth making town of Stamford, Lincolnshire, or stamen forte = strong, warp yarn or worsted. Cf. Scarlet; Staple1 … Dictionary of Medieval Terms and Phrases
Stanforte — Generic term for an English cloth or worsted yarn, or worsted woollen. The term s derivation is either from the cloth making town of Stamford, Lincolnshire, or stamen forte = strong, warp yarn or worsted. Cf. Scarlet; Staple1 … Dictionary of Medieval Terms and Phrases
Langevin equation — In statistical physics, a Langevin equation (Paul Langevin, 1908) is a stochastic differential equation describing the time evolution of a subset of the degrees of freedom. These degrees of freedom typically are collective (macroscopic) variables … Wikipedia
General relativity — For a generally accessible and less technical introduction to the topic, see Introduction to general relativity. General relativity Introduction Mathematical formulation Resources … Wikipedia
Wintu language — language name=Wintu nativename=wintʰu:h familycolor=American states=United States region=Shasta County, Trinity County, California speakers=5 fam1= Penutian iso3=wit|Wintu is an endangered Wintuan language spoken by the Wintu people of Northern… … Wikipedia
Operating surplus — is an accounting concept used in national accounts statistics (such as United Nations System of National Accounts (UNSNA) and in corporate and government accounts. It is the balancing item of the Generation of Income Account in the UNSNA. It may… … Wikipedia
Electromagnetic radiation — Electromagnetism Electricity · … Wikipedia
List of country name etymologies — This list covers English language country names with their etymologies. Some of these include notes on indigenous names and their etymologies. Countries in italics no longer exist as sovereign political entities.Aflag|Afghanistan::From Afghan and … Wikipedia