generalized theor
Смотреть что такое "generalized theor" в других словарях:
Richard Liboff — Richard L. Liboff is a U.S. physicist who has authored five books and nearly 150 other publications in variety of fields, including plasma physics, planetary physics, cosmology, quantum chaos, and quantum billiards.He earned his Ph.D., 1961 from… … Wikipedia
Hartmann-Potential — Das Hartmann Potential der theoretischen Chemie ist ein ringförmiges Potentialfeld, V, das in sphärischen Koordinaten eine Funktion des Ring Radius r und des Polarwinkels θ ist: Das Minimum der Potentialmulde Vo und der radialen Abstand, ro, des… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Hartmannpotential — Das Hartmann Potential der theoretischen Chemie ist ein ringförmiges Potentialfeld, V, das in sphärischen Koordinaten eine Funktion des Ring Radius r und des Polarwinkels θ ist: Das Minimum der Potentialmulde Vo und der radialen Abstand, ro, des… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Alexander Kuzemsky — Alexander Leonidovich Kuzemsky ( ru. Александр Леонидович Куземский) (born 1944, Ukraine) is a Russian (and former Soviet) theoretical physicist [ kuzemsky] .Kuzemsky studied physics at the Moscow State University (1963 1969) … Wikipedia
Walter M. Elsasser — Infobox Scientist name = Walter Maurice Elsasser box width = image width =150px caption = Walter Maurice Elsasser birth date = March 20, 1904 birth place = Mannheim, Germany death date = October 14, 1991 death place = Baltimore, United States… … Wikipedia
Causal set theory bibliography — Main article: Causal Sets This Causal Set Theory Bibliography is intended to aid causal set research. It gathers together academic papers, books, talks and PhD theses related to causal set theory and is intended to help readers find references… … Wikipedia
Invariant factorization of LPDOs — IntroductionFactorization of linear ordinary differential operators (LODOs) is known to be unique and in general, it finally reduces to the solution of a Riccati equation [ equation] , i.e. factorization of… … Wikipedia
Inclusive fitness — There are a few definitions of Inclusive fitness (IF), but one (that, according to Oli, 2003 is not consistent with W. D. Hamilton s first description), is the sum of the direct and indirect fitness effects of an individual s behaviors, where the … Wikipedia
General relativity — For a generally accessible and less technical introduction to the topic, see Introduction to general relativity. General relativity Introduction Mathematical formulation Resources … Wikipedia
Game complexity — Combinatorial game theory has several ways of measuring game complexity. This article describes five of them: state space complexity, game tree size, decision complexity, game tree complexity, and computational complexity. Contents 1 Measures of… … Wikipedia
Jacket matrix — In mathematics, a Jacket matrix is a square matrix A= a {ij} of order n whose entries are from a field (including real field, complex field, finite field ), if : AA^{mathrm{*= A^{mathrm{*A= n I n where :A^{mathrm{* is the transpose of the matrix… … Wikipedia