generalized model
Смотреть что такое "generalized model" в других словарях:
generalized model — apibendrintasis modelis statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. generalized model vok. verallgemeinertes Modell, n rus. обобщённая модель, f pranc. modèle généralisé, m; modèle unifié, m … Fizikos terminų žodynas
Generalized game theory — is an extension of game theory to incorporate social theory concepts such as norm, value, belief, role, social relationship, and institution. The theory was developed by Tom R. Burns and has not had great influence beyond his immediate associates … Wikipedia
Model selection — is the task of selecting a statistical model from a set of candidate models, given data. In the simplest cases, a pre existing set of data is considered. However, the task can also involve the design of experiments such that the data collected is … Wikipedia
Generalized estimating equations — (GEEs) are used in statistics to fit the parameters of a Generalized linear model where unknown correlation is present.They allow for correlation without explicitly defining a model for the origin of the dependancy, hence they are most suitable… … Wikipedia
model — [mäd′ l] n. [Fr modèle < It modello, dim. of modo < L modus,MODE] 1. a) a small copy or imitation of an existing object, as a ship, building, etc., made to scale b) a preliminary representation of something, serving as the plan from which… … English World dictionary
Generalized linear model — In statistics, the generalized linear model (GLM) is a flexible generalization of ordinary least squares regression. It relates the random distribution of the measured variable of the experiment (the distribution function ) to the systematic (non … Wikipedia
Model minority — Sociology … Wikipedia
Generalized linear array model — In statistics, the generalized linear array model(GLAM) is used for analyzing the data sets with array structure. It based on the generalized linear model with the regression matrix written as a Kronecker product. Overview In the article… … Wikipedia
Generalized map — In mathematics, a generalized map is a topological model which allows one to represent and to handle subdivided objects. This model was defined starting from combinatorial maps in order to represent non orientable and open subdivisions, which is… … Wikipedia
Generalized additive model — In statistics, the generalized additive model (or GAM) is a statistical model developed by Trevor Hastie and Rob Tibshirani for blending properties of generalized linear models with additive models.The model specifies a distribution (such as a… … Wikipedia
Generalized Environmental Modeling System for Surfacewaters — GEMSS (Generalized Environmental Modeling System for Surfacewaters) is an integrated system of 3 D hydrodynamic and transport modules embedded in a geographic information and environmental data system. GEMSS is in the public domain and has been… … Wikipedia