generalized law

generalized law
мат. обобщенный закон

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "generalized law" в других словарях:

  • generalized — index broad, inaccurate Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • Law school outlines — are legal study aids. Typically, the outlines are created by law school students, however there are professional outlines also available. An outline typically provides a concise and direct statement of legal issues in a particular area of law,… …   Wikipedia

  • Law of cosines — This article is about the law of cosines in Euclidean geometry. For the cosine law of optics, see Lambert s cosine law. Figure 1 – A triangle. The angles α, β, and γ are respectively opposite the sides a, b, and c …   Wikipedia

  • Generalized Newtonian fluid — A generalized Newtonian fluid is an idealized fluid for which the shear stress, tau; , is a function of shear rate at the particular time, but not dependent upon the history of deformation.: au = Fleft( frac {partial u} {partial y} ight) where:… …   Wikipedia

  • Generalized Jacobian — In algebraic geometry = In mathematics, there are several notions of generalized Jacobians, which are algebraic groups or complex manifolds that are in some sense analogous to the Jacobian variety of an algebraic curve, or related to the Albanese …   Wikipedia

  • Law of total probability — In probability theory, the law (or formula) of total probability is a fundamental rule relating marginal probabilities to conditional probabilities. Contents 1 Statement 2 Applications 3 Other names 4 See …   Wikipedia

  • Generalized scale-free model — There has been a burst of activity in the modeling of scale free complex networks. The recipe of Barabási and AlbertBarabási, A. L. and R. Albert, Science 286, 509(1999).] has been followed by several variations and generalizationsR. Albert, and… …   Wikipedia

  • Noro–Frenkel law of corresponding states — The Noro–Frenkel law of corresponding states is an equation in thermodynamics that describes the critical temperature of the liquid gas transition T as a function of the range of the attractive potential R. It states that, all short ranged… …   Wikipedia

  • Paris' law — Schematic plot of the typical relationship between the crack growth rate and the range of the stress intensity factor. In practice, the Paris law is calibrated to model the linear interval around the center. Paris law (also known as the Paris… …   Wikipedia

  • First law of thermodynamics — In thermodynamics, the first law of thermodynamics is an expression of the more universal physical law of the conservation of energy. Succinctly, the first law of thermodynamics states: DescriptionThe first law of thermodynamics basically states… …   Wikipedia

  • Hooke's law — models the properties of springs for small changes in length Prof. Walter Lewin explains Hooke s law, in …   Wikipedia

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