generalized eigenspace

generalized eigenspace
мат. обобщенное собственное пространство

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "generalized eigenspace" в других словарях:

  • Eigenvalue, eigenvector and eigenspace — In mathematics, given a linear transformation, an Audio|De eigenvector.ogg|eigenvector of that linear transformation is a nonzero vector which, when that transformation is applied to it, changes in length, but not direction. For each eigenvector… …   Wikipedia

  • Eigendecomposition of a matrix — In the mathematical discipline of linear algebra, eigendecomposition or sometimes spectral decomposition is the factorization of a matrix into a canonical form, whereby the matrix is represented in terms of its eigenvalues and… …   Wikipedia

  • Eigenvalue algorithm — In linear algebra, one of the most important problems is designing efficient and stable algorithms for finding the eigenvalues of a matrix. These eigenvalue algorithms may also find eigenvectors. Contents 1 Characteristic polynomial 2 Power… …   Wikipedia

  • Minimal polynomial (linear algebra) — For the minimal polynomial of an algebraic element of a field, see Minimal polynomial (field theory). In linear algebra, the minimal polynomial μA of an n by n matrix A over a field F is the monic polynomial P over F of least degree such that… …   Wikipedia

  • Eigenvalues and eigenvectors — For more specific information regarding the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of matrices, see Eigendecomposition of a matrix. In this shear mapping the red arrow changes direction but the blue arrow does not. Therefore the blue arrow is an… …   Wikipedia

  • Schur decomposition — In the mathematical discipline of linear algebra, the Schur decomposition or Schur triangulation (named after Issai Schur) is an important matrix decomposition. Statement The Schur decomposition reads as follows: if A is a n times; n square… …   Wikipedia

  • Jordan normal form — In linear algebra, a Jordan normal form (often called Jordan canonical form)[1] of a linear operator on a finite dimensional vector space is an upper triangular matrix of a particular form called Jordan matrix, representing the operator on some… …   Wikipedia

  • Weight (representation theory) — In the mathematical field of representation theory, a weight of an algebra A over a field F is an algebra homomorphism from A to F, or equivalently, a one dimensional representation of A over F. It is the algebra analogue of a multiplicative… …   Wikipedia

  • Measurement in quantum mechanics — Quantum mechanics Uncertainty principle …   Wikipedia

  • Cartan subalgebra — In mathematics, a Cartan subalgebra is a nilpotent subalgebra mathfrak{h} of a Lie algebra mathfrak{g} that is self normalising (if [X,Y] in mathfrak{h} for all X in mathfrak{h}, then Y in mathfrak{h}).Cartan subalgebras exist for finite… …   Wikipedia

  • Reality structure — In mathematics, particularly in representation theory, a reality structure on a complex vector space V of dimension n provides a means for identifying a real subspace V R of V so that V itself splits as a direct sum into real and imaginary parts …   Wikipedia

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