general sample

general sample
мат. общая проба

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "general sample" в других словарях:

  • Sample size determination — is the act of choosing the number of observations to include in a statistical sample. The sample size is an important feature of any empirical study in which the goal is to make inferences about a population from a sample. In practice, the sample …   Wikipedia

  • Sample rate conversion — is the process of converting a (usually digital) signal from one sampling rate to another, while changing the information carried by the signal as little as possible. When applied to an image, this process is sometimes called image scaling.Sample …   Wikipedia

  • General Educational Development — (or GED) tests are a group of five tests which (when passed) certifies that the taker has American or Canadian high school level academic skills. To pass the GED Tests and earn a GED credential, test takers must score higher than 40 percent of… …   Wikipedia

  • general practice — general practices 1) N UNCOUNT When a doctor is in general practice, he or she treats sick people at a surgery or office, or visits them at home, and does not specialize in a particular type of medicine. In recent years, doctors have been trained …   English dictionary

  • sample preparation — ▪ chemistry Introduction  in analytical chemistry (chemistry), the processes in which a representative piece of material is extracted from a larger amount and readied for analysis. Sampling and sample preparation have a unique meaning and special …   Universalium

  • Sample size — The sample size of a statistical sample is the number of observations that constitute it. It is typically denoted n , a positive integer (natural number).Typically, all else being equal, a larger sample size leads to increased precision in… …   Wikipedia

  • Sample space — In probability theory, the sample space or universal sample space, often denoted S , Ω, or U (for universe ), of an experiment (probability theory) or random trial is the set of all possible outcomes. For example, if the experiment is tossing a… …   Wikipedia

  • Sample (material) — In general, a sample is a limited quantity of something which is intended to be similar to and represent a larger amount of that thing(s). The things could be countable objects such as individual items available as units for sale, or a material… …   Wikipedia

  • General intelligence factor — The general intelligence factor (abbreviated g ) is a controversial construct used in the field of psychology ( see also psychometrics ) to quantify what is common to the scores of all intelligence tests. Charles Spearman, early psychometrician,… …   Wikipedia

  • sample — {{11}}sample (n.) c.1300, something which confirms a proposition or statement, from Anglo Fr. saumple, aphetic of O.Fr. essample, from L. exemplum a sample (see EXAMPLE (Cf. example)). Meaning small quantity (of something) from which the general… …   Etymology dictionary

  • sample — 1) A small quantity of a commodity, etc. , selected to represent the bulk of a quantity of goods. See sale by sample 2) A small quantity of a product, given to potential buyers to enable them to test its suitability for their purposes. 3) A group …   Big dictionary of business and management

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