general quadric
Смотреть что такое "general quadric" в других словарях:
Quadric — In mathematics, a quadric, or quadric surface, is any D dimensional hypersurface defined as the locus of zeros of a quadratic polynomial. In coordinates {x 0, x 1, x 2, ldots, x D}, the general quadric is defined by the algebraic equation… … Wikipedia
Quadric (projective geometry) — In projective geometry a quadric is the set of points of a projective space where a certain quadratic form on the homogeneous coordinates becomes zero. It may also be defined as the set of all points that lie on their dual hyperplanes, under some … Wikipedia
quadric — The three dimensional surface represented by a general second degree equation in three variables. By a suitable choice of co ordinates sucha an equation can be reduced to one of the following standard equations If all of the ± are + then it… … Dictionary of automotive terms
analytic geometry — a branch of mathematics in which algebraic procedures are applied to geometry and position is represented analytically by coordinates. Also called coordinate geometry. [1820 30] * * * Investigation of geometric objects using coordinate systems.… … Universalium
Lie sphere geometry — is a geometrical theory of planar or spatial geometry in which the fundamental concept is the circle or sphere. It was introduced by Sophus Lie in the nineteenth century. [The definitive modern textbook on Lie sphere geometry is Harvnb|Cecil|1992 … Wikipedia
Problem of Apollonius — In Euclidean plane geometry, Apollonius problem is to construct circles that are tangent to three given circles in a plane (Figure 1); two circles are tangent if they touch at a single point. Apollonius of Perga (ca. 262 BC ndash; ca. 190 BC)… … Wikipedia
Differential geometry of surfaces — Carl Friedrich Gauss in 1828 In mathematics, the differential geometry of surfaces deals with smooth surfaces with various additional structures, most often, a Riemannian metric. Surfaces have been extensively studied from various perspectives:… … Wikipedia
Cuádrica — Una cuádrica es una superficie determinada por una ecuación de la forma: donde P es un polinomio de segundo grado en las coordenadas . Cuando no se precisa, es una superficie del espacio tridimensional real usual, en un sistema de coordenadas… … Wikipedia Español
Segre embedding — In mathematics, the Segre embedding is used in projective geometry to consider the cartesian product of two or more projective spaces as a projective variety. It is named after Corrado Segre. Contents 1 Definition 2 Discussion 3 Properties … Wikipedia
Pont de Saint-Just-Saint-Rambert — Pays Franc … Wikipédia en Français
Conformal geometry — In mathematics, conformal geometry is the study of the set of angle preserving (conformal) transformations on a space. In two real dimensions, conformal geometry is precisely the geometry of Riemann surfaces. In more than two dimensions,… … Wikipedia