- general circulation model
- модель общей циркуляции
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Mars general circulation model — Mars geneal circulation model, NASA The Mars general circulation model (MGCM) is the result of a research project by NASA to understand the nature of the general circulation of the atmosphere of Mars, how that circulation is driven and how it… … Wikipedia
Mars General Circulation Model — The Mars General Circulation Model (MGCM) is the result of a research project by NASA to understand the nature of the general circulation of the atmosphere of Mars, how that circulation is driven and how it affects the climate of Mars in the long … Wikipedia
Intermediate General Circulation Model — The Reading Intermediate General Circulation Model (IGCM), is a simplified or intermediate Global climate model, which is developed by members of the [http://www.reading.ac.uk/meterology Department of Meteorology] at the University of Reading,… … Wikipedia
MIT General Circulation Model — The MIT General Circulation Model (or MITgcm) is a numerical computer code that solves the equations of motion governing the ocean or Earth s atmosphere using the finite volume method. It was developed at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology … Wikipedia
General circulation — vereinfachtes Schema der globalen Zirkulation Die planetarische Zirkulation, oder auch allgemeine, planetare oder globale Zirkulation (englisch: general circulation, global circulation), ist eine Sammelbezeichnung für atmosphärische… … Deutsch Wikipedia
general circulation — in the atmosphere, the general pattern of wind and pressure at a global scale. See tricellular model … Geography glossary
Global climate model — AGCM redirects here. For Italian competition regulator, see Autorità Garante della Concorrenza e del Mercato. Climate models are systems of differential equations based on the basic laws of physics, fluid motion, and chemistry. To “run” a model,… … Wikipedia
Atmospheric model — A 96 hour forecast of 850 mbar geopotential height and temperature from the Global Forecast System An atmospheric model is a mathematical model constructed around the full set of primitive dynamical equations which govern atmospheric motions. It… … Wikipedia
Model Railroader — Categories Rail transport modeling Frequency Monthly Publisher Kalmbach Publishing First issue 1934 Country … Wikipedia
Dynamic global vegetation model — A dynamic global vegetation model (DGVM) is a computer program that simulates shifts in potential vegetation and its associated biogeochemical and hydrological cycles as a response to shifts in climate. DGVMs use time series of climate data and,… … Wikipedia
MOZART (model) — MOZART (Model for OZone And Related chemical Tracers) is a chemistry transport model (CTM) developed jointly by the (US) National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR), the Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory (GFDL), and the [http://www.mpimet … Wikipedia