Смотреть что такое "genderless" в других словарях:
Genderless — Gen der*less, a. Having no gender. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
genderless — adjective Date: circa 1879 1. lacking qualities typically associated with either sex 2. suitable to or for either sex; also not reflective of the experiences, prejudices, or orientations of one sex more than the other < genderless language > •… … New Collegiate Dictionary
genderless — adjective Without an associated gender. A genderless noun includes both the masculine and feminine forms … Wiktionary
Genderless language — A genderless language is a natural or constructed human language that has no category of grammatical gender. Some linguists use the term noun class to be a broader categorization which includes the categorization by gender as a special case.Yasir … Wikipedia
genderless — См. asessuato … Пятиязычный словарь лингвистических терминов
genderless — See gender. * * * … Universalium
genderless — adj. having no gender, having no traits or qualities that are based on sex … English contemporary dictionary
genderless — gender·less … English syllables
genderless — … Useful english dictionary
Gender-neutrality in genderless languages — is typically achieved by using gender inclusive words ( human being , person , businessperson , and so on) instead of gender specific ones ( man , he , businessman , etc.) when one speaks of people whose gender is unknown, ambiguous, or… … Wikipedia
Gender of connectors and fasteners — A male threaded pipe, left, and female threaded elbow. In electrical and mechanical trades and manufacturing, each half of a pair of mating connectors or fasteners is conventionally assigned the designation male or female. The female connector is … Wikipedia