Смотреть что такое "gemman" в других словарях:
gemman — /jemˈən/ (archaic informal) noun (pl gemmen /jemˈən/) A corruption of ↑gentleman ORIGIN: ↑gentleman … Useful english dictionary
Miss Lucy Long — also known as Lucy Long and other variants, is an American song that was popularized in the blackface minstrel show. A comic banjo tune, the lyrics, written in exaggerated Black Vernacular English, tell of the courtship or marriage of the male s … Wikipedia
Kolumkille, S. — S. Kolumkille, (9. Juni), auch Columcille, Columcellus und Colme, Gründer und erster Abt von Hy (Hiensis), Apostel der Picten, einer der berühmtesten Heiligen der alten Kirche von Irland, wurde zwar schon als S. Columba4 kurz angeführt, doch… … Vollständiges Heiligen-Lexikon
St. Columba — St. Columba † Catholic Encyclopedia ► St. Columba Abbot of Iona, b. at Garten, County Donegal, Ireland, 7 December, 521; d. 9 June, 597. He belonged to the Clan O Donnell, and was of royal descent. His father s name was Fedhlimdh and… … Catholic encyclopedia
Cruithnechán — Saint Cruithnechán (Modern Irish: Cruithneachán), also known as Cruithnechan, Crunathan and Cronaghan, is an Irish saint from around the 6th century, known as one of St Columba s mentors. Cruithnechán is briefly mentioned in Adomnán s 7th century … Wikipedia
ACHATES Gemma — reperta primum in Siciliae fluvio Achate, inde nomen accepit, Solin. c. 5. Ausonio in Mosella. v. 316. Dorus vocatur, ubi de Arsinoes templo, Spirat enim tecti testudine Dorus Achates. etc. Quia Sicilia Dorice loquedbatur, in qua primum lapis… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
CALLAICA vel CALLAINA — apud Plin. l. 37. c. 10 et ex eo Solin. c. 20. Nam in Germaniae continentibus Callaica reperitu, quam gemman Arabicis anteponunt, vincit enim gratiâ. Arabes quidem dicunt non alibi reperiri, quam in nidu avium, quas melancarphos vocant: quod… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale