gelatin emulsion

gelatin emulsion
желатиновая эмульсия

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "gelatin emulsion" в других словарях:

  • gelatin process — ▪ photographic process also called  gelatin dry plate process        photographic process in which gelatin is used as the dispersing vehicle for the light sensitive silver salts. The process, introduced in about 1880, superseded the wet collodion …   Universalium

  • Gelatin — (also gelatine, from French gélatine ) is a translucent, colourless, brittle, nearly tasteless solid substance, extracted from the collagen inside animals connective tissue. It has been commonly used as a gelling agent in food, pharmaceutical,… …   Wikipedia

  • Emulsion polymerization — is a type of radical polymerization that usually starts with an emulsion incorporating water, monomer, and surfactant. The most common type of emulsion polymerization is an oil in water emulsion, in which droplets of monomer (the oil) are… …   Wikipedia

  • emulsion — ► NOUN 1) a fine dispersion of minute droplets of one liquid in another in which it is not soluble or miscible. 2) a type of paint consisting of pigment bound in a synthetic resin which forms an emulsion with water. 3) a light sensitive coating… …   English terms dictionary

  • emulsion — [ē mul′shən, imul′shən] n. [ModL emulsio < L emulsus, pp. of emulgere, to milk or drain out < e , out + mulgere, to MILK] a stable colloidal suspension, as milk, consisting of an immiscible liquid dispersed and held in another liquid by… …   English World dictionary

  • gelatin — /jel euh tn/, n. 1. a nearly transparent, faintly yellow, odorless, and almost tasteless glutinous substance obtained by boiling in water the ligaments, bones, skin, etc., of animals, and forming the basis of jellies, glues, and the like. 2. any… …   Universalium

  • emulsion — emulsive, adj. /i mul sheuhn/, n. 1. Physical Chem. any colloidal suspension of a liquid in another liquid. 2. such a suspension used in cosmetics. 3. Pharm. a liquid preparation consisting of two completely immiscible liquids, one of which, as… …   Universalium

  • emulsion — [ɪ mʌlʃ(ə)n] noun 1》 a fine dispersion of minute droplets of one liquid in another in which it is not soluble or miscible. 2》 (also emulsion paint) a type of paint consisting of pigment bound in a synthetic resin which forms an emulsion with… …   English new terms dictionary

  • emulsion — noun Etymology: New Latin emulsion , emulsio, from Latin emulgēre to milk out, from e + mulgēre to milk; akin to Old English melcan to milk, Greek amelgein Date: 1612 1. a. a system (as fat in milk) consisting of a liquid dispersed with or… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • emulsion — n. 1 a fine dispersion of one liquid in another, esp. as paint, medicine, etc. 2 a mixture of a silver compound suspended in gelatin etc. for coating plates or films. Phrases and idioms: emulsion paint a water thinned paint containing a non… …   Useful english dictionary

  • emulsion — A system containing two immiscible liquids in which one is dispersed, in the form of very small globules (internal phase), throughout the other (external phase) ( e.g., oil in water (milk) or water in oil (mayonnaise)). [Mod. L. fr. e mulgeo, pp …   Medical dictionary

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