Смотреть что такое "gelastic" в других словарях:
Gelastic — is a term often used in medical terminology to indicate an association of a symptom or syndrome with laughter. The word originates from the Greek gelastikos gelaein , to laugh.Examples include:Gelastic epilepsy or epileptic seizure. The seizures… … Wikipedia
Gelastic — Ge*las tic, a. [Gr. ? inclined to laugh, from ? to laugh.] Pertaining to laughter; used in laughing. Gelastic muscles. Sir T. Browne. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Gelastic seizure — Gelastic seizures are a type of minor seizure that manifests as a sudden, unprovoked outburst of emotion, usually laughter or crying. When occurring as isolated events, they are usually of short duration, lasting from a few seconds to less than a … Wikipedia
gelastic — adjective a) Pertaining to laughter, used in laughing, or to be the subject of laughter. b) A particularly severe form of epileptic fit … Wiktionary
gelastic — ge·las·tic … English syllables
gelastic — a. pertaining to laughing … Dictionary of difficult words
gelastic — jəˈlastik adjective Etymology: Greek gelastikos able to laugh, from gelastos laughable (from gelan to laugh) + ikos ic; akin to Armenian calr laughter more at clean : risible … Useful english dictionary
gelastic epilepsy — temporal lobe epilepsy in which the automatisms consist of fits of uncontrollable mirthless laughter … Medical dictionary
Fatal hilarity — For fatal hilarity as a figure of speech [cite book |title= The Sunday Excursionist |last= Henry |first= O. |quote= Men who have braved the deepest troubles and emerged unscathed from the heaviest afflictions have gone down with a shriek of… … Wikipedia
Death from laughter — Chrysippus reportedly died of laughter. Recorded cases of death from laughter date back to ancient Greece. Contents 1 Pathophysiology … Wikipedia
Pallister-Hall syndrome — Classification and external resources OMIM 146510 DiseasesDB 32013 MeSH … Wikipedia