
марлевый шарик-тампон

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "gauze-swab" в других словарях:

  • swab — A wad of cotton, gauze, or other absorbent material attached to the end of a stick or clamp, used for applying or removing a substance from a surface. * * * swab swäb n 1) a wad of absorbent material usu. wound around one end of a small stick and …   Medical dictionary

  • swab — 1. noun /swɒb/ a) a small piece of soft, absorbent material, such as gauze, used to clean wounds, apply medicine, or take samples of body fluids. Often attached to a stick or wi …   Wiktionary

  • Swab — *In medicine, a cotton swab is a small piece of material, such as gauze or cotton, which is used to clean wounds, apply medications, or retrieve samples of body fluids such as blood or mucus. Swabs may be attached to stiff wires or sticks to aid… …   Wikipedia

  • swab — n. a pad of absorbent material (such as cotton), sometimes attached to a stick or wire, used for cleaning out or applying medication to wounds, operation sites, or body cavities. In operations, gauze swabs are used to clean blood from the site;… …   The new mediacal dictionary

  • Cutman — This article is about a fight responsibility. For the Mega Man video game character named Cut Man, see Robot Master. A cutman is a person responsible for preventing and treating physical damage to a fighter during the breaks between rounds of a… …   Wikipedia

  • Dentistry for babies — is a branch of Pediatric dentistry related to the dental treatment provided to children from birth to around 36 months of age, aiming to maintain or re establish a good oral health status, at the same time as it creates a positive attitude of… …   Wikipedia

  • First aid kit — For other uses, see First aid kit (disambiguation). Large and small first aid kits used by the British Red Cross for event first aid, in the internationally recognised ISO green with a white cross. These kits also feature the red cross which is a …   Wikipedia

  • Facial — A facial is a cosmetic treatment of the face, commonly involving a variety of skin treatments, including: steam, exfoliation, extraction, creams, lotions, masks, peels, and massage. Normally performed in a beauty salon but it is also a common spa …   Wikipedia

  • Dental emergency — Facial inflammation from an infected left molar at one week. A dental emergency is a type of medical emergency involving the teeth or gingiva. Pain involving these parts of the mouth, even when minor, can indicate a severe underlying problem that …   Wikipedia

  • sponge — Synonyms and related words: Ace bandage, Band Aid, Finnish bath, India rubber, Japanese bath, Loch Ness monster, Russian bath, Swedish bath, Turkish bath, ablution, absorb, absorbency, absorbent, absorption, adhesive tape, adsorb, adsorbent,… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • remedy — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) Something that cures or counteracts Nouns 1. remedy, help, redress, restoration; antidote, counterpoison, counterirritant, counteragent, antitoxin, antibody, prophylactic, antiseptic, corrective,… …   English dictionary for students

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