gaussian sums

gaussian sums
гауссовы суммы

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "gaussian sums" в других словарях:

  • Gaussian period — In mathematics, in the area of number theory, a Gaussian period is a certain kind of sum of roots of unity. They permit explicit calculations in cyclotomic fields, in relation both with Galois theory and with harmonic analysis (discrete Fourier… …   Wikipedia

  • Gaussian integer — In number theory, a Gaussian integer is a complex number whose real and imaginary part are both integers. The Gaussian integers, with ordinary addition and multiplication of complex numbers, form an integral domain, usually written as Z[i]. The… …   Wikipedia

  • Gaussian orbital — In computational chemistry and molecular physics, Gaussian orbitals (also known as Gaussian type orbitals, GTOs or Gaussians) are functions used as atomic orbitals in the LCAO method for the computation of electron orbitals in molecules.… …   Wikipedia

  • Gaussian function — In mathematics, a Gaussian function (named after Carl Friedrich Gauss) is a function of the form::f(x) = a e^{ { (x b)^2 over 2 c^2 } }for some real constants a > 0, b , c > 0, and e ≈ 2.718281828 (Euler s number).The graph of a Gaussian is a… …   Wikipedia

  • Proofs of Fermat's theorem on sums of two squares — Fermat s theorem on sums of two squares asserts that an odd prime number p can be expressed as: p = x^2 + y^2with integer x and y if and only if p is congruent to 1 (mod 4). The statement was announced by Fermat in 1640, but he supplied no proof …   Wikipedia

  • Fermat's theorem on sums of two squares — In number theory, Pierre de Fermat s theorem on sums of two squares states that an odd prime p is expressible as:p = x^2 + y^2,,with x and y integers, if and only if:p equiv 1 pmod{4}.The theorem is also known as Thue s Lemma, after Axel Thue.For …   Wikipedia

  • Gamma function — For the gamma function of ordinals, see Veblen function. The gamma function along part of the real axis In mathematics, the gamma function (represented by the capital Greek letter Γ) is an extension of the factorial function, with its… …   Wikipedia

  • Cubic reciprocity — is a collection of theorems in elementary and algebraic number theory that state conditions under which the congruence x3 ≡ p (mod q) is solvable; the word reciprocity comes from the form of the main theorem, which states that …   Wikipedia

  • Quadratic residue — In number theory, an integer q is called a quadratic residue modulo n if it is congruent to a perfect square modulo n; i.e., if there exists an integer x such that: Otherwise, q is called a quadratic nonresidue modulo n. Originally an abstract… …   Wikipedia

  • Integral — This article is about the concept of integrals in calculus. For the set of numbers, see integer. For other uses, see Integral (disambiguation). A definite integral of a function can be represented as the signed area of the region bounded by its… …   Wikipedia

  • Central limit theorem — This figure demonstrates the central limit theorem. The sample means are generated using a random number generator, which draws numbers between 1 and 100 from a uniform probability distribution. It illustrates that increasing sample sizes result… …   Wikipedia

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