gated scanning

gated scanning

1. сканирование со стробированием
2. развертка со стробированием

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "gated scanning" в других словарях:

  • MUGA scanning — multiple gated acquisition scanning equilibrium radionuclide angiocardiography …   Medical dictionary

  • Magnetic resonance imaging — MRI redirects here. For other meanings of MRI or Mri, see MRI (disambiguation). Magnetic resonance imaging Intervention Sagittal MR image of the knee ICD 10 PCS B?3?ZZZ …   Wikipedia

  • LIDAR — A FASOR used at the Starfire Optical Range for LIDAR and laser guide star experiments is tuned to the sodium D2a line and used to excite sodium atoms in the upper atmosphere …   Wikipedia

  • Flip-flop (electronics) — An SR latch, constructed from a pair of cross coupled NOR gates. Red and black mean logical 1 and 0 , respectively. In electronics, a flip flop or latch is a circuit that has two stable states and can be used to store state information. The… …   Wikipedia

  • Single photon emission computed tomography — (SPECT, or less commonly, SPET) is a nuclear medicine tomographic imaging technique using gamma rays. It is very similar to conventional nuclear medicine planar imaging using a gamma camera. However, it is able to provide true 3D information.… …   Wikipedia

  • Acoustic microscopy — Introduction = Acoustic microscopes employ very high or ultra high frequency ultrasound. These microscopes operate nondestructively and penetrate most solid materials to make visible images of internal features, including defects such as cracks,… …   Wikipedia

  • Neofeudalism — (literally new feudalism – the terms are used interchangeably in the literature[1]) refers to a theorized contemporary rebirth of policies of governance, economy and public life[2] reminiscent of those present in many feudal societies. Privatized …   Wikipedia

  • Charge-coupled device — A specially developed CCD used for ultraviolet imaging in a wire bonded package. A charge coupled device (CCD) is a device for the movement of electrical charge, usually from within the device to an area where the charge can be manipulated, for… …   Wikipedia

  • Graphene — is a one atom thick planar sheet of sp2 bonded carbon atoms that are densely packed in a honeycomb crystal lattice. It can be viewed as an atomic scale chicken wire made of carbon atoms and their bonds. The name comes from GRAPHITE + ENE;… …   Wikipedia

  • scan — 1. To survey by traversing with an active or passive sensing device. 2. The image, record, or data obtained by scanning, usually identified by the technology or device employed; e.g., CT s., radionuclide s …   Medical dictionary

  • MUGA — Acronym for multiple gated acquisition scan. * * * multiple gated acquisition [blood pool scan] * * * multiple gated acquisition (scanning); see equilibrium radionuclide angiocardiography, under angiocardiography …   Medical dictionary

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