Gated — Gat ed (g[=a]t [e^]d), a. Having gates. Young. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
gated — [gāt′id] adj. designating or of a private, residential community, access to which is restricted and controlled by a gate, fences or walls, security guards, etc … English World dictionary
gated — adjective Date: 1581 1. having or controlled by a gate < a gated entrance > 2. designed to restrict entrance usually by means of physical barriers, a private security force, and a controlled gate < gated communities > … New Collegiate Dictionary
gated — |gād.ə̇d, ātə̇d adjective Etymology: gate (I) + ed : having or controlled by a gate gated sluiceways a gated microphone … Useful english dictionary
-gated — gat|ed «GAY tihd», adjective. British. punished by confinement to the grounds of a school. gated, combining form. having a gate or gates: »Iron gated = having an iron gate … Useful english dictionary
gated — adj. Gated is used with these nouns: ↑community … Collocations dictionary
gated — UK [ˈɡeɪtɪd] / US adjective computing gated software prevents people from going to a particular website, for example because it no longer works … English dictionary
gated — gat•ed [[t]ˈgeɪ tɪd[/t]] adj. being a residential neighborhood protected by gates, walls, guards, or other security measures: a gated community[/ex] … From formal English to slang
gated — /ˈgeɪtəd/ (say gaytuhd) adjective 1. of or relating to a housing development which is accessible only through a locked gate to ensure the security and privacy of residents, sometimes also restricting residence, as by excluding children, etc.:… …
gated — gate ► NOUN 1) a hinged barrier used to close an opening in a wall, fence, or hedge. 2) an exit from an airport building to an aircraft. 3) a hinged or sliding barrier for controlling the flow of water. 4) the number of people who pay to enter a… … English terms dictionary
Gated reverb — is an audio processing technique that is applied to recordings of drums (or live sound reinforcement of drums in a PA system) to make the drums sound powerful and punchy, while keeping the overall mix clean and transparent sounding. The gated… … Wikipedia