- gate theory
- (медицина) "теория ворот" (теория блокаторов боли)
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
gate theory — gate control theory neural impulses generated by noxious painful stimuli and transmitted to the spinal cord by small diameter C fibers and A delta fibers are blocked at their synapses in the dorsal horn by the simultaneous stimulation of large… … Medical dictionary
gate theory — a theory proposing that neural stimulation beyond a certain threshold level, as by application of an electric current, can overwhelm the ability of the nerve center to sense pain. [1965 70] * * * … Universalium
gate theory — a theory proposing that neural stimulation beyond a certain threshold level, as by application of an electric current, can overwhelm the ability of the nerve center to sense pain. [1965 70] … Useful english dictionary
gate hypothesis — gate theory … Medical dictionary
gate control therapy — noun A theory of pain control based on the selective stimulation of different nerve fibres • • • Main Entry: ↑gate … Useful english dictionary
Gate control theory of pain — The gate control theory of pain, put forward by Ronald Melzack (a Canadian psychologist) and Patrick David Wall (a British physician) in 1962, [P.D. Wall, R. Melzack, On nature of cutaneous sensory mechanisms, Brain, 85:331, 1962.] and again in… … Wikipedia
Gate-Control-Theory — Nach der Kontrollschrankentheorie oder englisch Gate Control Theory werden äußere und innere Schmerzreize von Schmerzrezeptoren (Nozizeptoren) in Haut, Muskeln, Gelenken und inneren Organen aufgenommen. Diese werden im Hinterhorn des Rückenmarks… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Gate-control-theorie — Nach der Kontrollschrankentheorie oder englisch Gate Control Theory werden äußere und innere Schmerzreize von Schmerzrezeptoren (Nozizeptoren) in Haut, Muskeln, Gelenken und inneren Organen aufgenommen. Diese werden im Hinterhorn des Rückenmarks… … Deutsch Wikipedia
theory — A reasoned explanation of known facts or phenomena that serves as a basis of investigation by which to seek the truth. SEE ALSO: hypothesis, postulate. [G. theoria, a beholding, speculation, t., fr. theoros, a beholder] adsorption t. of narcosis… … Medical dictionary
Boarding Gate — Infobox Film name = Boarding Gate image size = caption = English language release poster director = Olivier Assayas producer = François Margolin writer = Olivier Assayas narrator = starring = Asia Argento Michael Madsen Carl Ng Kelly Lin Alex… … Wikipedia
Symbolic Convergence Theory — About Symbolic Convergence Theory (SCT) is a general communication theory. SCT explains that meanings, emotions, values, and the motives for action are in the rhetoric that is co created by people trying to make sense out of a common experience,… … Wikipedia