- gaspingly
- ˈɡɑ:spɪŋlɪ adv
1) задыхаясь;
с одышкой ;
2) в изумлении gaspingly в изумлении ~ задыхаясь;
с одышкой
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
gaspingly — adverb 1. : in a gasping manner read her lines gaspingly 2. : with great or excessive responsiveness gaspingly ardent attention gaspingly enthusiastic * * * gaspˈingly adverb • • • … Useful english dictionary
gaspingly — adverb In a gasping way … Wiktionary
gaspingly — adv. in gasps, with short labored breaths … English contemporary dictionary
gaspingly — gasp·ing·ly … English syllables
gasp — gaspingly, adv. /gasp, gahsp/, n. 1. a sudden, short intake of breath, as in shock or surprise. 2. a convulsive effort to breathe. 3. a short, convulsive utterance: the words came out in gasps. 4. last gasp, the point of death; dying: At his last … Universalium
pant — pant1 pantingly, adv. /pant/, v.i. 1. to breathe hard and quickly, as after exertion. 2. to gasp, as for air. 3. to long with breathless or intense eagerness; yearn: to pant for revenge. 4. to throb or heave violently or rapidly; palpitate. 5. to … Universalium
breathlessly — adv. without breath; gaspingly, pantingly … English contemporary dictionary
pant — I [[t]pænt[/t]] v. i. 1) phl to breathe hard and quickly, as after exertion 2) to long with breathless or intense eagerness; yearn: to pant for revenge[/ex] 3) to emit steam or the like in loud puffs 4) phl to breathe or utter rapidly or… … From formal English to slang
gasping — /ˈgæspɪŋ/ (say gasping), /ˈgaspɪŋ/ (say gahsping) noun 1. the act of struggling to draw breath: gasping and wheezing. –adjective 2. of or relating to an utterance affected by lack of breath. –gaspingly, adverb …
pant — I. /pænt / (say pant) verb (i) 1. to breathe hard and quickly, as after exertion. 2. to emit steam or the like in loud puffs. 3. to gasp, as for air. 4. to long with breathless or intense eagerness: *she positively panted after the tribe to which …
gulp — v. & n. v. 1 tr. (often foll. by down) swallow hastily, greedily, or with effort. 2 intr. swallow gaspingly or with difficulty; choke. 3 tr. (foll. by down, back) stifle, suppress (esp. tears). n. 1 an act of gulping (drained it at one gulp). 2… … Useful english dictionary