Смотреть что такое "gas-well" в других словарях:
gas well — noun a well that yields or has yielded natural gas • Hypernyms: ↑well * * * noun : a well that produces chiefly natural gas * * * a well from which natural gas is obtained. [1840 50, Amer.] * * * gas well noun A boring from which natural gas… … Useful english dictionary
Gas well deliquification — Gas well deliqufication, also referred to as gas well dewatering , is the general term for technologies used to remove water build up from producing gas wells.When natural gas flows to the surface in a producing gas well, the gas carries liquids… … Wikipedia
Gas well — A well completed for production of natural gas from one or more gas zones or reservoirs. Such wells contain no completions for the production of crude oil. U.S. Dept. of Energy, Energy Information Administration s Energy Glossary … Energy terms
gas well — /ˈgæs wɛl/ (say gas wel) noun a well which yields natural gas rather than oil …
gas well — A well which produces gas in such quantities and under such pressure that it can be operated commercially or at least that the gas produced can be used profitably on the premises. Prichard v Freeland Oil Co. 75 W Va 450, 84 SE 945. Not a mine. 36 … Ballentine's law dictionary
gas well — a well from which natural gas is obtained. [1840 50, Amer.] * * * … Universalium
Gas well productivity — Derived annually by dividing gross natural gas withdrawals from gas wells by the number of producing gas wells on December 31 and then dividing the quotient by the number of days in the year. U.S. Dept. of Energy, Energy Information… … Energy terms
Well logging — Gamma ray logging Spontaneous potential logging Resistivity logging Density logging Sonic logging Caliper logging Mud logging LWD/MWD v · … Wikipedia
Well stimulation — is a well intervention performed on an oil or gas well to increase production by improving the flow of hydrocarbons from the drainage area into the well bore.Cleaning the formationThe assortment of chemicals pumped down the well during drilling… … Wikipedia
Gas depletion — is the inescapable result of extracting and consuming natural gas since it is a nonrenewable natural resource. The number of years of natural gas left is estimated by the ratio of proven natural gas reserves to the current consumption rate.… … Wikipedia
Well — is an English adverb with irregular comparison. Well may also refer to:* Water well, an artificial excavation or structure for the purpose of withdrawing water * Oil well, a hole drilled through the Earth s surface for the purpose of extracting… … Wikipedia