Смотреть что такое "gas-cooker" в других словарях:
gas cooker — noun a range with gas rings and an oven for cooking with gas • Syn: ↑gas range, ↑gas stove • Hypernyms: ↑stove, ↑kitchen stove, ↑range, ↑kitchen range, ↑cooking stove … Useful english dictionary
gas cooker — /ˈgæs kʊkə/ (say gas kookuh) noun → gas stove …
cooker — [[t]k ʊkə(r)[/t]] cookers N COUNT A cooker is a large metal device for cooking food using gas or electricity. A cooker usually consists of a grill, an oven, and some gas or electric rings. [BRIT] → See also pressure cooker ...a gas cooker. (in AM … English dictionary
gas ring — noun gas burner consisting of a circular metal pipe with several small holes through which gas can escape to be burned • Hypernyms: ↑gas burner, ↑gas jet • Part Holonyms: ↑gas range, ↑gas stove, ↑gas cooker * * * gas ring, a hollow metal ring,… … Useful english dictionary
gas stove — noun a range with gas rings and an oven for cooking with gas (Freq. 1) • Syn: ↑gas range, ↑gas cooker • Hypernyms: ↑stove, ↑kitchen stove, ↑range, ↑kitchen range, ↑ … Useful english dictionary
gas — gas1 W2S1 [gæs] n plural gases or gasses [Sense: 1 3, 6 9; Date: 1600 1700; : Modern Latin; Origin: Greek khaos empty space ; CHAOS] [Sense: 4 5; Date: 1900 2000; Origin: gasoline] … Dictionary of contemporary English
gas — I UK [ɡæs] / US noun Word forms gas : singular gas plural gasses *** Differences between British and American English: gas: In the UK, gas usually refers to a clear substance like air that is burned to cook food or to heat your house: a gas… … English dictionary
gas — n. & v. n. (pl. gases) 1 any airlike substance which moves freely to fill any space available, irrespective of its quantity. 2 a such a substance (esp. found naturally or extracted from coal) used as a domestic or industrial fuel (also attrib. :… … Useful english dictionary
gas range — noun a range with gas rings and an oven for cooking with gas • Syn: ↑gas stove, ↑gas cooker • Hypernyms: ↑stove, ↑kitchen stove, ↑range, ↑kitchen range, ↑cooking stove … Useful english dictionary
gas*/*/*/ — [gæs] noun I 1) [C/U] a substance such as air that is neither a solid nor a liquid gases such as carbon dioxide[/ex] 2) [U] a gas that is burned as fuel, for example to heat your house or cook food Can you smell gas?[/ex] a gas… … Dictionary for writing and speaking English
gas oven — noun 1. a cremation chamber fueled by gas • Hypernyms: ↑crematory, ↑crematorium, ↑cremation chamber 2. a domestic oven fueled by gas • Hypernyms: ↑oven * * * gas oven noun … Useful english dictionary