Смотреть что такое "gas-bracket" в других словарях:
gas-bracket — gasˈ bracket noun A gas pipe projecting from the wall of a room for lighting purposes • • • Main Entry: ↑gas … Useful english dictionary
gas bracket — /ˈgæs brækət/ (say gas brakuht) noun a gas pipe with burners projecting from a wall …
gas bracket — n. pipe that has one or more burners protruding from a wall … English contemporary dictionary
gas bracket — noun a pipe with one or more burners projecting from a wall • Hypernyms: ↑burner … Useful english dictionary
Bracket — Brack et, n. [Cf. OF. braguette codpiece, F. brayette, Sp. bragueta, also a projecting mold in architecture; dim. fr. L. bracae breeches; cf. also, OF. bracon beam, prop, support; of unknown origin. Cf. {Breeches}.] [1913 Webster] 1. (Arch.) An… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Bracket light — Bracket Brack et, n. [Cf. OF. braguette codpiece, F. brayette, Sp. bragueta, also a projecting mold in architecture; dim. fr. L. bracae breeches; cf. also, OF. bracon beam, prop, support; of unknown origin. Cf. {Breeches}.] [1913 Webster] 1.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
bracket — /ˈbrækət / (say brakuht) noun 1. a wooden, metal, etc., support of triangular outline placed under a shelf or the like. 2. a shelf or shelves supported by a bracket. 3. Architecture an ornamental projection from the face of a wall intended to… …
bracket — /brak it/, n. 1. a support, as of metal or wood, projecting from a wall or the like to hold or bear the weight of a shelf, part of a cornice, etc. 2. a shelf or shelves so supported. 3. Also called square bracket. one of two marks [ or ] used in… … Universalium
bracket — brack•et [[t]ˈbræk ɪt[/t]] n. 1) archit. cv a supporting piece, oftenL or scroll shaped, projecting from a wall or the like to bear the weight of a shelf, cornice, etc., or to reinforce the angle between two members 2) bui a shelf or shelves so… … From formal English to slang
Compartment (heraldry) — Shield Field Supporter Supporter Motto (Scotland) Cres … Wikipedia
crotchet — Bracket Brack et, n. [Cf. OF. braguette codpiece, F. brayette, Sp. bragueta, also a projecting mold in architecture; dim. fr. L. bracae breeches; cf. also, OF. bracon beam, prop, support; of unknown origin. Cf. {Breeches}.] [1913 Webster] 1.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English