
разрешение на производство и продажу газа счет за газ

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "gas-bill" в других словарях:

  • bill — ▪ I. bill bill 1 [bɪl] noun [countable] 1. ACCOUNTING a list showing how much you have to pay for services or goods received; = INVOICE: • big companies that fail to settle their …   Financial and business terms

  • Gas (Bottom episode) — Infobox UK Television Episode Title =Gas Series name =Bottom Caption = Series no =One Episode =002 Airdate =September 24, 1991 Writer =Ade Edmondson Rik Mayall Producer =Ed Bye Director =Ed Bye Guests = Episode list = Prev =Smells Next… …   Wikipedia

  • gas — I UK [ɡæs] / US noun Word forms gas : singular gas plural gasses *** Differences between British and American English: gas: In the UK, gas usually refers to a clear substance like air that is burned to cook food or to heat your house: a gas… …   English dictionary

  • gas — gas1 [ gæs ] noun *** 1. ) uncount AMERICAN liquid fuel that is used for producing power in the engines of cars. British petrol: GASOLINE: get gas: We need to get some gas before we leave town. 2. ) count or uncount a substance such as air that… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • gas*/*/*/ — [gæs] noun I 1) [C/U] a substance such as air that is neither a solid nor a liquid gases such as carbon dioxide[/ex] 2) [U] a gas that is burned as fuel, for example to heat your house or cook food Can you smell gas?[/ex] a gas… …   Dictionary for writing and speaking English

  • Gas — Gas. Die Eigenthümlichkeit der Gase, welche elastische Flüssigkeiten, Luftarten sind, besteht in dem Bestreben der kleinsten Theilchen, sich möglichst weit von einander zu entfernen, daher üben sie auf ihre Umgebung einen allseitigen Druck aus u …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • Bill Buchanan — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Bill Buchanan Personaje de 24 Primera aparición Temporada 4 Episodio 16 Interpretado por James Morrison Episodios 64 Temporada(s) …   Wikipedia Español

  • Bill Savage — is a fictional character in 2000 AD. He first appeared in the story Invasion! in progs 1 51. He is a resistance fighter in the Free European Army (FEAR) against the Volgans, who invaded and conquered Britain in 1999 during the Eight Hour War. His …   Wikipedia

  • Bill Morrow (Executive) — Bill Morrow is the President and CEO of Pacific Gas and Electric Company, effective 15 August 2007. releases/q3 2006/060815c.html PG E News Release, 2006 8 15. Retrieved 2007 11 9] For the previous 10 years he was… …   Wikipedia

  • Bill O'Reilly — Bill O’Reilly William James ‚Bill‘ O’Reilly, Jr. [oʊˈɹaɪlɪ] (* 10. September 1949 in New York, NY, USA) ist Moderator der wochentäglichen US amerikanischen Fernsehshow The O Reilly Factor beim Fox News Channel. Darüber hinaus moderiert er die… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Bill O’Reilly — (2010) William James „Bill“ O’Reilly, Jr. [oʊˈɹaɪlɪ] (* 10. September 1949 in New York, NY, USA) ist Moderator der wochentäglich …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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