- gapping
- (военное) проделывание проходов
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Gapping — (auch: Lückenbildung) ist ein Begriff der Sprachwissenschaft, insbesondere der Syntax, und bezeichnet das Auslassen eines Aktanten oder des Prädikats unter Koordinationsbedingungen (vgl. Parataxe). Der Begriff wurde ursprünglich 1970 von John… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Gapping — [ gæpɪȖ; zu englisch gap »Lücke«] das, s, Sprachwissenschaft: Bezeichnung für die (fakultative) Tilgung eines Verbs bei wiederholtem Vorkommen in komplexen Sätzen, z. B. »X trinkt Wein, Y Bier und Z Milch«, statt »X trinkt Wein, Y trinkt Bier,… … Universal-Lexikon
Gapping — In general, a trading strategy in which the participant borrows short and lends long. This strategy gives the lender an overall better interest rate as short rates are generally lower than long rates. Also in technical analysis, gapping can refer … Investment dictionary
Gapping — Gap|ping [ gæpiŋ] das; s <aus gleichbed. engl. gapping zu to gap »eine Lücke lassen«; vgl. ↑Gap> Bez. für das mögliche Weglassen eines Verbs bei wiederholtem Vorkommen in komplexen Sätzen, z. B. A trinkt Wein, B Bier u. C Limonade statt A… … Das große Fremdwörterbuch
gapping — Adjusting the distance between the electrodes of a spark plug or the points of contact breaker points. Also see plug gapping … Dictionary of automotive terms
gapping — /gap ing/, n. Ling. a rule of transformational grammar by which repeated instances of a verb are deleted from conjoined sentences, as in the deletion of brought from Mary brought the bread, John the cheese, and Bill the wine. [GAP + ING1] * * * … Universalium
gapping — Mismatching assets and liabilities, usually by borrowing short and lending long. American Banker Glossary * * * The process of intentionally mismatching the maturities of assets and liabilities by borrowing short and lending long … Financial and business terms
gapping — noun Grammar the omission of a verb in the second of two coordinated clauses (e.g. I went by bus and Mary by car) … English new terms dictionary
gapping — present part of gap … Useful english dictionary
Call gapping — is a load control method for throttling telephone traffic on a telephone network when the network is overloaded.Observations of real telephone conversations show that for much of the time one or other user is listening, not talking. During that… … Wikipedia
call gapping — noun A technique used to prevent congestion in telephone systems by limiting the number of calls that can pass through the network at any time • • • Main Entry: ↑call … Useful english dictionary