Gantlet — Gant let, n. [Gantlet is corrupted fr. gantlope; gantlope is for gatelope, Sw. gatlopp, orig., a running down a lane; gata street, lane + lopp course, career, akin to l[ o]pa to run. See {Gate} a way, and {Leap}.] A military punishment formerly… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
gantlet — gantlet1 [gônt′lit, gänt′lit, gant′lit] n. [earlier gantlope < Swed gatlopp, a running down a lane < gata, lane (akin to Ger gasse: see GAIT) + lopp, a run, akin to LEAP] 1. a) a former military punishment in which the offender had to run… … English World dictionary
Gantlet — Gant let, n. A glove. See {Gauntlet}. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
gantlet — GANTLÉT s. n. mănuşă pentru armură, acoperită cu lame de fier. (< fr., engl. gantelet) Trimis de raduborza, 15.09.2007. Sursa: MDN … Dicționar Român
gantlet — see GAUNTLET (Cf. gauntlet) (1) … Etymology dictionary
gantlet — gantlet1 /gant lit, gawnt /, n. 1. Railroads. a track construction used in narrow places, in which two parallel tracks converge so that their inner rails cross, run parallel, and diverge again, thus allowing a train to remain on its own track at… … Universalium
gantlet — See gantlet, gauntlet, gamut … Dictionary of problem words and expressions
gantlet — Synonyms and related words: battle cry, bid to combat, brass knuckles, cesta, cestus, challenge, confinement, dare, defi, defy, dismemberment, double dare, estrapade, gage, gage of battle, galleys, gauntlet, glove, handwear, hard labor,… … Moby Thesaurus
gantlet — , gauntlet For the sense of running between two lines of aggressors (whether literally or metaphorically) the normal spelling is gantlet, though gauntlet is usually also accepted. For the idea of a glove thrown down in challenge, the invariable … Bryson’s dictionary for writers and editors
gantlet — Ⅰ. gant·let1 (gônt’lĭt, gänt’ ) n. ▸ A section of double railroad tracks formed by the temporary convergence of two otherwise parallel tracks in such a way that each set remains independent while traversing the same ground, affording passage at a … Word Histories
gantlet — US var. of GAUNTLET(2). * * * gantlet obs. form of gauntlet … Useful english dictionary