Смотреть что такое "gaming-table" в других словарях:
gaming table — noun a table used for gambling; may be equipped with a gameboard and slots for chips • Hypernyms: ↑table * * * noun 1. : a table that is designed especially for gambling and that often has depressions for counters and designs painted, inlaid, or… … Useful english dictionary
gaming-table — gamˈing table noun A table used for gambling • • • Main Entry: ↑game … Useful english dictionary
gaming table — a table used for gambling, esp. one designed with a game board and slots for chips. [1590 1600] * * * … Universalium
gaming table — See gambling table … Ballentine's law dictionary
Table shuffleboard — (also known as American shuffleboard or indoor shuffleboard or Shufflepuck) is a game in which players push metal and plastic weighted pucks (also called weights ) down a long and smooth wooden table into a scoring area at the opposite end of the … Wikipedia
Table limit — The table limit is the minimum and maximum bet that a gambler can make at a gaming table. It is a form of yield management in that the limits can be changed to optimize the profit from a gaming table. Gaming tables have a limited resource to sell … Wikipedia
table — tableless, adj. /tay beuhl/, n., v., tabled, tabling, adj. n. 1. an article of furniture consisting of a flat, slablike top supported on one or more legs or other supports: a kitchen table; an operating table; a pool table. 2. such a piece of… … Universalium
table — ta•ble [[t]ˈteɪ bəl[/t]] n. v. bled, bling, adj. 1) fur an article of furniture consisting of a flat, slablike top supported on one or more legs or other supports 2) fur such a piece of furniture used for serving food to those seated at it 3) the … From formal English to slang
gaming — игорный бизнес gaming house игорный дом gaming table игорный стол common gaming house общедоступный игорный дом … English-Russian travelling dictionary
table — A compilation of information, particularly scientific information, such as it mortality table, a remarriage table, a table of weights, etc. 29 Am 12d Ev § 889. A piece of household furniture or of furnishing of an office or place of work,… … Ballentine's law dictionary
table-board — ˈ ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ˌ ̷ ̷ noun 1. : a gaming table 2. chiefly dialect a. : table 3a(1) b. : tabletop 3. : board without room … Useful english dictionary