gale II
Смотреть что такое "gale II" в других словарях:
GALE — Parasitose humaine, la gale est due à un acarien: Sarcoptes scabiei . La femelle creuse un sillon dans la couche cornée de l’épiderme de la peau de son hôte. Elle y est fécondée puis pond ses œufs dans une logette située à l’extrémité de ce… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Gale — ist der Name folgender Orte: Galepsos (Chalkidike), antiker Ort auf der Halbinsel Chalkidike, Griechenland in den Vereinigten Staaten: Gale (Idaho) Gale (Illinois) Gale (Indiana) Gale (Kalifornien) Gale (New York) Gale (Pennsylvania) Gale (West… … Deutsch Wikipedia
gale — GALE. s. f. Especes de pustulles qui viennent sur la peau, & qui sont ordinairement accompagnées de demangeaison. Grosse gale. gale seche. gale de chien. vieille gale. donner la gale à quelqu un. prendre, gagner la gale … Dictionnaire de l'Académie française
Gale — (g[=a]l), n. [Prob. of Scand. origin; cf. Dan. gal furious, Icel. galinn, cf. Icel. gala to sing, AS. galan to sing, Icel. galdr song, witchcraft, AS. galdor charm, sorcery, E. nightingale; also, Icel. gj[=o]la gust of wind, gola breeze. Cf.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Gale's — is a UK brand of Honey and Lemon curd, marketed by Premier Foods. History The brand was first produced in 1919 in London. Advertising A jingle used to advertise the honey was: Gales, Gales pass the honey please, think about the honey, think about … Wikipedia
galė — galė̃ sf. (4) [K] galia, jėga: Dirbk, kiek išneša galė rš. Nebuvo nei galės, nei valės S.Dauk. Lapės kalba teip patiko varnai, jog ji, išplėtusi kakarinę, sukrankė iš visos galės (ps.) Blv. Jis turi didelę gãlę Žlb. Galė̃s nėra šulinį įsitaisyti … Dictionary of the Lithuanian Language
Gale — Gale, v. i. [AS. galan. See 1st {Gale}.] To sing. [Obs.] Can he cry and gale. Court of Love. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Gale — Gale, n. [AS. gagel, akin to D. gagel.] (Bot.) A plant of the genus {Myrica}, growing in wet places, and strongly resembling the bayberry. The sweet gale ({Myrica Gale}) is found both in Europe and in America. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
gale — [geıl] n [Date: 1500 1600; Origin: Perhaps from Norwegian galen bad ] 1.) a very strong wind ▪ a severe gale. it s blowing a gale BrE (=it s very windy) 2.) a gale/gales of laughter a sudden loud sound of laughter … Dictionary of contemporary English
Gale — Gale, n. [OE. gal. See {Gale} wind.] A song or story. [Obs.] Toone. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Gale — Gale, n. [Cf. {Gabel}.] The payment of a rent or annuity. [Eng.] Mozley & W. [1913 Webster] {Gale day}, the day on which rent or interest is due. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English