
ˈɡeɪətɪ веселье - the * of the streets веселье /оживление/, царящее на улицах - to give one's * free range /full play/ дать волю своему веселью /своей радости/ веселость - artificial * искусственная веселость - to chill smb.'s * портить кому-л. настроение /все веселье/ нарядность, яркость (красок, костюмов и т. п.) - * of plumage яркость оперения pl развлечения - the holiday gaieties праздичные развлечения;
празднества - the gaieties of the city увеселения /развлечения/ большого города gaiety веселость ~ веселый или нарядный вид ~ (обыкн. pl) развлечения;

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "gaiety" в других словарях:

  • gaiety — gai e*ty (g[=a] [ e]*t[y^]), n. Same as {Gayety}. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • gaiety — index enjoyment (pleasure) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • gaiety — 1630s, from Fr. gaieté, from gai gay (see GAY (Cf. gay)). In the 1890s, especially with reference to a London theater of that name, and the kind of musical shows and dancing girls found there …   Etymology dictionary

  • gaiety — [n] happiness, celebration animation, blitheness, brightness, brilliance, cheer, color, colorfulness, conviviality, effervescence, elation, entertainment, exhilaration, festivity, frolic, fun, geniality, gladness, glee, glitter, good humor*,… …   New thesaurus

  • gaiety — (US also gayety) ► NOUN (pl. gaieties) 1) the state or quality of being light hearted and cheerful. 2) merrymaking; festivity. ORIGIN French gaieté …   English terms dictionary

  • gaiety — [gā′ə tē] n. [Fr gaieté] 1. the state or quality of being GAY (adj. 1); cheerfulness 2. pl. gaieties merrymaking; festivity 3. finery; showy brightness …   English World dictionary

  • gaiety — UK [ˈɡeɪətɪ] / US noun Word forms gaiety : singular gaiety plural gaieties old fashioned 1) [uncountable] a feeling or state of happiness and fun There was genuine gaiety in his laughter. 2) gaieties [plural] events or activities that are fun …   English dictionary

  • gaiety — [[t]ge͟ɪɪti[/t]] N UNCOUNT Gaiety is a feeling, attitude, or atmosphere of liveliness and fun. Music rang out adding to the gaiety and life of the market. Syn: joy …   English dictionary

  • gaiety — noun 1) the gaiety of Susannah s youth had been supplanted by the cares of widowhood Syn: cheerfulness, lightheartedness, happiness, merriment, glee, gladness, joy, joie de vivre, joyfulness, joyousness, delight, high spirits, good spirits, good… …   Thesaurus of popular words

  • gaiety — Gayety Gay e*ty, n.; pl. {Gayeties}. [Written also {gaiety}.] [F. gaiet[ e]. See {Gay}, a.] 1. The state of being gay; merriment; mirth; acts or entertainments prompted by, or inspiring, merry delight; used often in the plural; as, the gayeties… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • gaiety — /gay i tee/, n., pl. gaieties. 1. the state of being gay or cheerful; gay spirits. 2. Often, gaieties. merrymaking or festivity: the gaieties of the New Year season. 3. showiness; finery: gaiety of dress. Also, gayety. [1625 35; < F gaieté, equiv …   Universalium

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