Смотреть что такое "gaberdine" в других словарях:
gaberdine — ► NOUN 1) a smooth, durable twill woven worsted or cotton cloth. 2) Brit. a raincoat made of gaberdine. ORIGIN Old French gauvardine, perhaps from High German wallevart pilgrimage and originally a garment worn by a pilgrim … English terms dictionary
Gaberdine — Gab er*dine , n. See {Gabardine}. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
gaberdine — long, loose outer garment, 1510s, from Sp. gabardina, from M.Fr. galverdine, which is perhaps from M.H.G. wallevart pilgrimage (Ger. Wallfahrt) in the sense of pilgrim s cloak (from O.H.G. wallon to roam + faran to go, travel ). The Spanish form… … Etymology dictionary
gaberdine — [gab′ər dēn΄, gab΄ər dēn′] n. [earlier gawbardyne < OFr gaverdine, kind of cloak < ? MHG walvart, pilgrimage < wallen, to wander about (< IE * wē , var. of base awē, to blow, flutter) + vart, a trip < varen, FARE] 1. a loose coat… … English World dictionary
Gaberdine — Gabardine Gab ar*dine , Gaberdine Gab er*dine , n. [Sp. gabardina; cf. It. gavardina, OF. galvardine, calvardine, gavardine, galeverdine; perh. akin to Sp. & OF. gaban a sort of cloak or coat for rainy weather, F. caban great coat with a hood and … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
gaberdine — [ˌgabə di:n, gabədi:n] (also gabardine) noun 1》 a smooth, durable twill woven worsted or cotton cloth. ↘Brit. a raincoat made of gaberdine. 2》 historical a loose, long upper garment worn particularly by Jews. Origin C16: from OFr. gauvardine … English new terms dictionary
gaberdine — noun Etymology: Middle French gaverdine Date: 1520 1. a long loose outer garment worn in medieval times and associated especially with Jews since the 16th century 2. gabardine 2 … New Collegiate Dictionary
gaberdine — /gab euhr deen , gab euhr deen /, n. 1. Also, gabardine. a long, loose coat or frock for men, worn in the Middle Ages, esp. by Jews. 2. gabardine (def. 1). [1510 20; < MF gauvardine, gallevardine < Sp gabardina, perh. a conflation of gabán ( Ar… … Universalium
gaberdine — noun A long cloak. See Also: gabardine … Wiktionary
gaberdine — gab|er|dine [ˈgæbədi:n, ˌgæbəˈdi:n US ˈgæbərdi:n] n another spelling of ↑gabardine … Dictionary of contemporary English
gaberdine — gab|er|dine [ gæbər,din ] another spelling of gabardine … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English