Смотреть что такое "futuristic" в других словарях:
futuristic — [fyo͞o΄chər is′tik] adj. 1. of or having to do with the future, futurism, or futurology 2. so advanced in design, form, concept, etc. as to seem suited for some future time; ultramodern [futuristic technology] futuristically adv … English World dictionary
futuristic — 1915, “avant garde,” from FUTURISM (Cf. futurism). Meaning “pertaining to the future” is from 1958, from FUTURE (Cf. future) + ISTIC (Cf. istic) … Etymology dictionary
futuristic — [adj] ahead of one’s time advanced, cutting edge, innovative, modern, pioneering, revolutionary, visionary; concepts 578,589,797 … New thesaurus
futuristic — ► ADJECTIVE 1) having or involving very modern technology or design. 2) (of a film or book) set in the future. DERIVATIVES futuristically adverb … English terms dictionary
futuristic — [[t]fju͟ːtʃərɪ̱stɪk[/t]] 1) ADJ GRADED Something that is futuristic looks or seems very modern and unusual, like something from the future. The theatre is a futuristic steel and glass structure. ...futuristic cars. 2) ADJ: ADJ n A futuristic film … English dictionary
futuristic — fu|tur|is|tic [ˌfju:tʃəˈrıstık] adj 1.) something which is futuristic looks unusual and modern, as if it belongs in the future instead of the present ▪ The futuristic sports stadium is the pride of the city. 2.) futuristic ideas, books, films etc … Dictionary of contemporary English
futuristic — adjective 1 futuristic design/building/film etc a building, film etc that is so unusual and modern in appearance that it looks as if it belongs in the future instead of the present: The futuristic sports stadium is the pride of the city. 2… … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
futuristic — futuristically, adv. /fyooh cheuh ris tik/, adj. 1. of or pertaining to the future: a futuristic view of the world. 2. ahead of the times; advanced: futuristic technology. 3. (sometimes cap.) of or pertaining to futurism: the futuristic rejection … Universalium
futuristic — fu|tur|is|tic [ ,fjutʃə rıstık ] adjective 1. ) so modern that it seems to belong to the future: the futuristic design of the museum 2. ) dealing with events in the future: a series of futuristic novels ╾ fu|tur|is|tical|ly adverb … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
futuristic — UK [ˌfjuːtʃəˈrɪstɪk] / US [ˌfjutʃəˈrɪstɪk] adjective 1) so modern that it seems to belong to the future the futuristic CN Tower in Toronto 2) dealing with events in the future a series of futuristic novels by Iain M Banks Derived word:… … English dictionary
Futuristic Dragon — Album par T. Rex Sortie 30 janvier 1976 Enregistrement MRI Studios, Hollywood, Los Angeles Paragon Studios, Chicago Scorpio Sound, Londres Durée 40:22 … Wikipédia en Français