- furrower
- (сельскохозяйственное) бороздоделатель
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
furrower — n. one who creates furrows, one who digs or cuts narrow grooves on a surface … English contemporary dictionary
furrower — fur·row·er … English syllables
furrower — ˈfər.əwə(r), ˈfə.rəw ; ˈfər.ōə(r), ˈfə.rō noun ( s) : one that furrows … Useful english dictionary
disc furrower — noun : a land furrower in which the customary shoe is replaced by a pair of concave discs set at an angle to the line of draft … Useful english dictionary
furrow — furrower, n. furrowless, adj. furrowlike, adj. furrowy, adj. /ferr oh, fur oh/, n. 1. a narrow groove made in the ground, esp. by a plow. 2. a narrow groovelike or trenchlike depression in any surface: the furrows of a wrinkled face. v.t. 3. to… … Universalium
Drill (agriculture) — In agriculture and gardening, a drill is a shallow furrow in which seeds or bulbs are placed during seeding. A drill is commonly created by dragging a hoe through the soil in a straight line, leaving a furrow of a centimeter or two for smaller… … Wikipedia
Samuel Leeds Allen — (May 5 1841 March 28 1918) was an American inventor and industrialist, whose most famous invention was the Flexible Flyer, the world s first steerable runner sled. Allen was born in 1841 in Philadelphia, the son of John C. Allen and Rebecca S.… … Wikipedia
seamer — n. sewer, one who fastens with stitches; furrower, one who makes grooves … English contemporary dictionary
seamers — n. sewer, one who fastens with stitches; furrower, one who makes grooves … English contemporary dictionary
furrow — /ˈfʌroʊ / (say furoh) noun 1. a narrow trench made in the ground, especially by a plough. 2. a narrow, trench like depression in any surface. 3. a groove, as in the skin of the forehead, etc. –verb (t) 4. to make a furrow or furrows in; plough… …