full skirt
Смотреть что такое "full skirt" в других словарях:
full skirt — noun a long skirt gathered at the waist • Hypernyms: ↑skirt • Part Meronyms: ↑gore, ↑panel … Useful english dictionary
full-skirt piston — A former piston style which had a full annulus skirt, without the cutaway section of modern slipper pistons … Dictionary of automotive terms
full — full1 [fool] adj. [ME < OE, akin to Ger voll, Goth fulls < IE base * pel , to fill > L plenus, full & plere, to fill, Gr plēthein, to be full, Welsh llawn, full] 1. having in it all there is space for; holding or containing as much as… … English World dictionary
full — [ ful ] adjective *** ▸ 1 containing all that fits ▸ 2 complete ▸ 3 having a lot of something ▸ 4 unable to eat more ▸ 5 as much as possible ▸ 6 busy ▸ 7 body: large ▸ 8 clothing: loose on body ▸ 9 about flavor ▸ + PHRASES 1. ) containing the… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
skirt dancing — skirt dancing, a form of ballet dancing in which the effect is produced by graceful movements of a long, full skirt, often manipulated by the hands of the dancer … Useful english dictionary
Skirt — For the cut of beef, see skirt steak. Polka dot skirt on a hanger. A skirt is a tube or cone shaped garment that hangs from the waist and covers all or part of the legs. In the western world, skirts are usually considered women s clothing.… … Wikipedia
skirt — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun ADJECTIVE ▪ long, short ▪ She was wearing a short denim skirt. ▪ ankle length, calf length, knee length ▪ tight … Collocations dictionary
skirt — Synonyms and related words: Jane, Mother Hubbard, adjoin, babe, baby, ballet skirt, bank, befringe, beg, biddy, bind, bird, bitch, board, border, bordure, bound, boundaries, bounds, bourns, brim, brink, broad, brow, brush, brush by, burke, bypass … Moby Thesaurus
full — [[t]f ʊl[/t]] ♦ fuller, fullest 1) ADJ GRADED If something is full, it contains as much of a substance or as many objects as it can. Once the container is full, it stays shut until you turn it clockwise. ...a full tank of petrol. Ant: empty 2)… … English dictionary
full — 1 /fUl/ adjective 1 CONTAINER/ROOM/PLACE ETC also full up if something such as a container, room, or place is full, no more things or people can go in it: a full box of cereal | The class is full, but you can register now for next term. (+ of):… … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
skirt — n. & v. n. 1 a woman s outer garment hanging from the waist. 2 the part of a coat etc. that hangs below the waist. 3 a hanging part round the base of a hovercraft. 4 (in sing. or pl.) an edge, border, or extreme part. 5 (also bit of skirt) sl.… … Useful english dictionary