- full blood
- родной (о брате, сестре) ;
(юридическое) тж. полнородный чистокровный
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
full´-blood´ed|ly — full blood|ed «FUL BLUHD ihd», adjective. 1. of pure or unmixed race, breed, or strain; thoroughbred: »a full blooded Indian. 2. Figurative. vigorous; hearty. 3. having plenty of blood. –full´ blood´ed|ly, adverb. –full … Useful english dictionary
full-blood|ed — «FUL BLUHD ihd», adjective. 1. of pure or unmixed race, breed, or strain; thoroughbred: »a full blooded Indian. 2. Figurative. vigorous; hearty. 3. having plenty of blood. –full´ blood´ed|ly, adverb. –full … Useful english dictionary
full blood — ☆ full blood n. [from obs. notion that blood is the medium of heredity] 1. the relationship between offspring of the same parents 2. unmixed breed or race … English World dictionary
full blood — full′ blood n. a full blooded individual Compare purebred • Etymology: 1805–15 … From formal English to slang
full-blood — full blood·ed·ness; … English syllables
full blood — noun descent from parents both of one pure breed • Hypernyms: ↑origin, ↑descent, ↑extraction * * * noun 1. : descent from parents both of one pure breed called also whole blood; compare blood 2g … Useful english dictionary
full blood — Relations of the full blood, whole blood, or entire blood are those derived not only from the same ancestor, but from the same couple of ancestors … Black's law dictionary
full blood — Relations of the full blood, whole blood, or entire blood are those derived not only from the same ancestor, but from the same couple of ancestors … Black's law dictionary
full´-blood´ed|ness — full blood|ed «FUL BLUHD ihd», adjective. 1. of pure or unmixed race, breed, or strain; thoroughbred: »a full blooded Indian. 2. Figurative. vigorous; hearty. 3. having plenty of blood. –full´ blood´ed|ly, adverb. –full … Useful english dictionary
full-blood·ed — /ˈfʊlˌblʌdəd/ adj, always used before a noun 1 : having parents who are of the same race or origin Both his parents were Irish, so he was a full blooded Irishman. a full blooded Cherokee 2 a : full of enthusiasm, energy, etc … Useful english dictionary
full-blood — I. adjective Date: 1812 full blooded 1 II. noun Date: 1846 a full blooded individual … New Collegiate Dictionary