- fulgurating
- (медицина) стреляющий - * pain стреляющая боль
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
fulgurating — [ful′gyoorəntful′gyoorāt΄iŋ] adj. flashing or sudden, like lightning [a fulgurating pain]: also fulgurant [ful′gyoorənt] … English World dictionary
Fulgurating — Ful gu*ra ting, a. (Med.) Resembling lightning; used to describe intense lancinating pains accompanying locomotor ataxy. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
fulgurating — /ful gyeuh ray ting/, adj. Med. (of pains) sharp and piercing. [1670 80; FULGURATE + ING2] * * * … Universalium
fulgurating — 1. SYN: fulgurant. 2. Relating to fulguration … Medical dictionary
fulgurating — adj. sharp, pinching (about a pain)v. flash like lightning; destroy using electricity (such as a tumor, etc.) … English contemporary dictionary
fulgurating — /ˈfʊlgjəreɪtɪŋ/ (say foolgyuhrayting), /ˈfʌl / (say ful ) adjective (of pains) sharp and intermittent, like flashes of lightning …
fulgurating — adjective sharp and piercing • Similar to: ↑sharp • Topics: ↑medicine, ↑medical specialty * * * /ful gyeuh ray ting/, adj. Med. (of pains) sharp and piercing. [1670 80; FULGURATE + ING2] … Useful english dictionary
fulgurate — fulguration, n. /ful gyeuh rayt /, v., fulgurated, fulgurating. v.i. 1. to flash or dart like lightning. v.t. 2. Med. to destroy (esp. an abnormal growth) by electricity. [1670 80; < L fulguratus, ptp. of fulgurare to flash, glitter, lighten,… … Universalium
fulgurant — Sharp and piercing. Cf.:fulminant. SYN: fulgurating (1). [L. fulgur, flashing lightning] * * * see fulminating * * * ful·gu·rant (fulґgu rənt) [L. fulgurans, from fulgur lightning] coming and going like a flash of lightning … Medical dictionary
migraine — A symptom complex occurring periodically and characterized by pain in the head (usually unilateral), vertigo, nausea and vomiting, photophobia, and scintillating appearances of light. Classified as classic m., common m., cluster headache,… … Medical dictionary
ablaze — Synonyms and related words: afire, aflame, aflicker, aglow, alight, ardent, bathed with light, bespangled, blazing, boiling over, breathless, brightened, burning, candent, candescent, candlelit, comburent, conflagrant, cordial, delirious, drunk,… … Moby Thesaurus