frustum of pyramid

frustum of pyramid
мат. усеченная пирамида (с параллельными основаниями)

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "frustum of pyramid" в других словарях:

  • Frustum — ist in der Computergrafik die mathematische Abbildung eines 3D Universums auf den Bildschirm. Frustum ist das englische Wort für ‚Kegelstumpf‘. Frustum of a pyramid bedeutet ‚Pyramidenstumpf‘. In der Fluchtpunktperspektive wird jedes Objekt in… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Frustum — Frus tum, n.; pl. L. {Frusta}, E. {Frustums}. [L. fruslum piece, bit.] [1913 Webster] 1. (Geom.) The part of a solid next the base, formed by cutting off the, top; or the part of any solid, as of a cone, pyramid, etc., between two planes, which… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • frustum — [frus′təm] n. pl. frustums or frusta [frus′tə] [L, a piece, bit < IE * bhreus , to break, crush < base * bher , to split, cut > BORE] 1. a solid figure consisting of the bottom part of a cone or pyramid, the top of which has been cut off …   English World dictionary

  • Frustum — For the graphics technique known as Frustum culling, see Hidden surface determination A frustum [ frustum is Latin and means piece, crumb . The English word is often misspelled as frustrum, probably due to the similarity with the common words… …   Wikipedia

  • frustum — n. (pl. frusta or frustums) Geom. 1 the remainder of a cone or pyramid whose upper part has been cut off by a plane parallel to its base. 2 the part of a cone or pyramid intercepted between two planes. Etymology: L, = piece cut off …   Useful english dictionary

  • frustum — noun (plural frustums or frusta) Etymology: New Latin, from Latin, piece, bit more at bruise Date: 1658 the basal part of a solid cone or pyramid formed by cutting off the top by a plane parallel to the base; also the part of a solid intersected… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • frustum — /frus teuhm/, n., pl. frustums, frusta / teuh/. Geom. 1. the part of a conical solid left after cutting off a top portion with a plane parallel to the base. 2. the part of a solid, as a cone or pyramid, between two usually parallel cutting planes …   Universalium

  • frustum — noun a) A cone or pyramid whose tip has been truncated by a plane parallel to its base. b) A region of a sphere delimited by two parallel planes. Syn …   Wiktionary

  • frustum — frus·tum || frÊŒstÉ™m n. (Geometry) truncated cone or pyramid; part of a solid that is cut parallel …   English contemporary dictionary

  • frustum — [ frʌstəm] noun (plural frusta tə or frustums) Geometry the portion of a cone or pyramid which remains after its upper part has been cut off by a plane parallel to its base, or which is intercepted between two such planes. Origin C17: from L.,… …   English new terms dictionary

  • frustum — frus•tum [[t]ˈfrʌs təm[/t]] n. pl. tums, ta ( tə). 1) math. the part of a conical solid left after cutting off a top portion with a plane parallel to the base 2) math. the part of a solid, as a cone or pyramid, between two usu. parallel cutting… …   From formal English to slang

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