
ˈfru:tful прил.
1) плодоносный (о растениях) , плодородный (о почве) fruitful rain ≈ хороший для урожая дождь (дождь, после которого ожидается обильный урожай) Syn : prolific, fecund, fertile
2) плодотворный, продуктивный, производительный, эффективный, приносящий хорошие результаты (преим. о действиях) The talks had been fruitful, but much remained to be done. ≈ Переговоры были успешными, но надо было еще много чего сделать. Syn : productive, beneficial, profitable, successful плодородный;
плодоносный - * soil плодородная почва - * tree плодоносное дерево - * rain благодатный дождь плодовитый плодотворный - * plan удачный план - * career плодотворная деятельность;
успешная карьера - * labours плодотворные усилия выгодный, полезный fruitful выгодный ~ плодовитый;
плодородный ~ плодотворный ~ полезный

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "fruitful" в других словарях:

  • Fruitful — Fruit ful, a. Full of fruit; producing fruit abundantly; bearing results; prolific; fertile; liberal; bountiful; as, a fruitful tree, or season, or soil; a fruitful wife. {Fruit ful*ly}, adv. {Fruit ful*ness}, n. [1913 Webster] Be fruitful and… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • fruitful — [fro͞ot′fəl] adj. [ME] 1. bearing much fruit 2. producing much; productive; prolific 3. producing results; profitable [a fruitful plan] SYN. FERTILE fruitfully adv. fruitfulness n …   English World dictionary

  • fruitful — index fertile, gainful, lucrative, operative, productive, profitable, prolific, successful Burton s Legal T …   Law dictionary

  • fruitful — c.1300, of trees, from FRUIT (Cf. fruit) + FUL (Cf. ful). Related: Fruitfully; fruitfulness. Of animals or persons from early 16c.; of immaterial things from 1530s …   Etymology dictionary

  • fruitful — fecund, prolific, *fertile Analogous words: reproducing or reproductive, propagating, breeding (see corresponding verbs at GENERATE): bearing, producing or productive, yielding (see corresponding verbs at BEAR): teeming, abounding (see TEEM):… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • fruitful — [adj] productive abounding, abundant, advantageous, beneficial, blooming, blossoming, breeding, childing, conducive, copious, effective, fecund, fertile, flourishing, flush, fructiferous, gainful, plenteous, plentiful, profitable, profuse,… …   New thesaurus

  • fruitful — ► ADJECTIVE 1) producing much fruit; fertile. 2) producing good results; productive. DERIVATIVES fruitfully adverb fruitfulness noun …   English terms dictionary

  • fruitful — [[t]fru͟ːtfʊl[/t]] 1) ADJ GRADED Something that is fruitful produces good and useful results. We had a long, happy, fruitful relationship... The talks had been fruitful, but much remained to be done. Syn: successful Derived words: fruitfully ADV… …   English dictionary

  • fruitful — fruit|ful [ˈfru:tfəl] adj 1.) producing good results ≠ ↑fruitless ▪ Today s meeting proved more fruitful than last week s. ▪ a busy and fruitful time ▪ Annual business reports were a fruitful source of information. 2.) literary land that is… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • fruitful — fruitfully, adv. fruitfulness, n. /frooht feuhl/, adj. 1. producing good results; beneficial; profitable: fruitful investigations. 2. abounding in fruit, as trees or other plants; bearing fruit abundantly. 3. producing an abundant growth, as of… …   Universalium

  • fruitful — adjective 1 something you do that is fruitful has good results: Today s meeting proved more fruitful than last week s. opposite fruitless 2 literary land that is fruitful produces a lot of corn, vegetables, fruit etc fruitfully adverb… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

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