Смотреть что такое "fruit-grower" в других словарях:
fruit grower — noun someone who grows fruit commercially • Hypernyms: ↑agriculturist, ↑agriculturalist, ↑cultivator, ↑grower, ↑raiser … Useful english dictionary
fruit|er — «FROO tuhr», noun. 1. a cargo ship for carrying fruit. 2. a tree that produces fruit. 3. a fruit grower … Useful english dictionary
grower — n. 1 (often in comb.) a person growing produce (fruit grower). 2 a plant that grows in a specified way (a fast grower) … Useful english dictionary
Fruit tree propagation — is usually carried out through asexual reproduction by grafting or budding the desired variety onto a suitable rootstock. Perennial plants can be propagated either by sexual or vegetative means. Sexual reproduction occurs when male pollen from… … Wikipedia
fruit farming — Introduction growing of fruit crops, including nuts, primarily for use as human food. The subject of fruit and nut production deals with intensive culture of perennial plants, the fruits of which have economic significance (a nut is a … Universalium
grower — grow|er [ˈgrəuə US ˈgrouər] n 1.) a person or company that grows fruit or vegetables in order to sell them fruit/vegetable/tobacco etc grower ▪ apple growers 2.) a plant that grows and develops in a particular way fast/slow etc grower ▪ Bamboo is … Dictionary of contemporary English
grower — noun (C) a person or company that grows fruit, vegetables etc in order to sell them: apple growers … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
California Rare Fruit Growers Association — The California Rare Fruit Growers Association (CRFG) is an organization of rare exotic fruit enthusiasts, hobbyists and amateur horticulturists based in California. The CRFG, founded in 1968, promotes rare fruits in the Southern California… … Wikipedia
Wine grower — Wine Wine, n. [OE. win, AS. win, fr. L. vinum (cf. Icel. v[=i]n; all from the Latin); akin to Gr. o i^nos, ?, and E. withy. Cf. {Vine}, {Vineyard}, {Vinous}, {Withy}.] [1913 Webster] 1. The expressed juice of grapes, esp. when fermented; a… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Disease resistance in fruit and vegetables — There are a number of lines of defence against pests (that is, those animals that cause damage to the plants we grow) and diseases in the organic garden, principal among these being the practice of good husbandry, creating healthy soil and… … Wikipedia
citrus grower — one who cultivates citrus fruit (lemons, limes, oranges, grapefruit, etc.) … English contemporary dictionary