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Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "fruit-bearing" в других словарях:

  • fruit-bearing — adjective Bearing fruit …   Wiktionary

  • fruit´ful|ness — fruit|ful «FROOT fuhl», adjective. 1. producing much fruit; bearing plenty fruit. 2. Figurative. producing much of anything; prolific: »a fruitful mind. SYNONYM(S): productive, fertile. 3. Figurative. having good results; bringing benefit or… …   Useful english dictionary

  • fruit´ful|ly — fruit|ful «FROOT fuhl», adjective. 1. producing much fruit; bearing plenty fruit. 2. Figurative. producing much of anything; prolific: »a fruitful mind. SYNONYM(S): productive, fertile. 3. Figurative. having good results; bringing benefit or… …   Useful english dictionary

  • fruit|ful — «FROOT fuhl», adjective. 1. producing much fruit; bearing plenty fruit. 2. Figurative. producing much of anything; prolific: »a fruitful mind. SYNONYM(S): productive, fertile. 3. Figurative. having good results; bringing benefit or profit: »a… …   Useful english dictionary

  • bearing — [ber′iŋ] n. 1. way of carrying and conducting oneself; carriage; manner; mien 2. a support or supporting part 3. a) the act, power, or period of producing young, fruit, etc. b) ability to produce c) anything borne or produced, as a crop, fruit,… …   English World dictionary

  • Fruit tree propagation — is usually carried out through asexual reproduction by grafting or budding the desired variety onto a suitable rootstock. Perennial plants can be propagated either by sexual or vegetative means. Sexual reproduction occurs when male pollen from… …   Wikipedia

  • fruit — ► NOUN 1) the sweet and fleshy product of a tree or other plant that contains seed and can be eaten as food. 2) Botany the seed bearing structure of a plant, e.g. an acorn. 3) the result or reward of work or activity. 4) informal, derogatory,… …   English terms dictionary

  • Fruit tree pruning — Pruning fruit trees is a technique that is employed by gardeners to control growth, remove dead or diseased wood or stimulate the formation of flowers and fruit buds. The most economical pruning is done early in the season, when buds begin to… …   Wikipedia

  • Fruit tree — A fruit tree is a tree bearing fruit mdash; the structures formed by the ripened ovary of a flower containing one or more seeds. However, because all trees of flowering plants produce fruit (essentially all trees except tree ferns and… …   Wikipedia

  • fruit tree — noun tree bearing edible fruit (Freq. 1) • Hypernyms: ↑angiospermous tree, ↑flowering tree • Hyponyms: ↑custard apple, ↑custard apple tree, ↑avocado, ↑avocado tree …   Useful english dictionary

  • fruit — 1. noun /fɹuːt/ a) The seed bearing part of a plant, often edible, colourful/colorful and fragrant, produced from a floral ovary after fertilization. While cucumber is technically a fruit, one would not usually use it to make jam. b) Any sweet,… …   Wiktionary

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