- froward
- упрямый;
поступающий наперекор (устаревшее) неблагоприятный
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Froward — Fro ward, a. [Fro + ward. See {Fro}, and cf. {Fromward}.] Not willing to yield or compIy with what is required or is reasonable; perverse; disobedient; peevish; as, a froward child. [1913 Webster] A froward man soweth strife. Prov. xvi. 28. [1913 … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Froward — (spr. frō ērd, Punta de Santa Agueda), Kap, Südspitze des südamerikanischen Festlandes unter 53°53 43 südl. Br., an dem Froward Reach benannten Teil der Magalhãesstraße … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
Froward — (Frouard). Vorgebirg in der Magelhaensstraße, bildet die südlichste Spitze des Festlandes von Südamerika (Patagonien) … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
froward — I adjective cantankerous, captious, contrary, contumacious, contumax, cross, crusty, difficilis, difficult, disobedient, fractious, headstrong, indocile, insubmissive, insubordinate, intractable, irascible, irritable, moody, obstinate, peevish,… … Law dictionary
froward — O.E. fromweard turned from or away, from from + weard. Opposite of toward, it renders L. pervertus in early translations of the Psalms, and also meant about to depart, departing, and doomed to die. Related: Frowardly; frowardness … Etymology dictionary
froward — Contrary, perverse, balky, restive, wayward Analogous words: Obstinate, stubborn, mulish, pigheaded, stiff necked: willful, headstrong, refractory, *unruly, ungovernable, intractable, recalcitrant: contumacious, insubordinate, rebellious Antonyms … New Dictionary of Synonyms
froward — [frō′wərd; ] also [ frō′ərd] adj. [ME, turned away, unruly: see FRO & WARD] 1. not easily controlled; stubbornly willful; contrary 2. Obs. adverse frowardly adv. frowardness n … English World dictionary
froward — frowardly, adv. frowardness, n. /froh weuhrd, froh euhrd/, adj. willfully contrary; not easily managed: to be worried about one s froward, intractable child. [1150 1200; ME froward, fraward. See FRO, WARD] Syn. obstinate, willful, disobedient,… … Universalium
froward — adjective Etymology: Middle English, turned away, froward, from fro from + ward ward Date: 13th century 1. habitually disposed to disobedience and opposition 2. archaic adverse • frowardly adverb • frowardness noun … New Collegiate Dictionary
froward — adjective /ˈfrəʊ.(w)əd,ˈfroʊ.ɚd/ Disobedient, unmanageable; with an evil disposition. Her onely fault, and that is faults enough, / Is, that she is intollerable curst, / And shrowd, and froward, so beyond all measure, / That were my state farre… … Wiktionary
Froward — Sp Fròvardas Ap Froward L kyš. P Čilėje (Bransviko p lis) … Pasaulio vietovardžiai. Internetinė duomenų bazė